Announcements & Happenings
We Hope You Find Something Interesting - Come Join Us In Our Many Activities
2015 Holiday Dinner was at
Bungalow Lakeside Restaurant
We had a good gathering full of good food and chat:
And President's awards were presented to a couple active youth and members who helped the club over the last year: |
Jacqueline, KG0ATS, Youth Net Control and VA QSO party champion |
Spencer, K4IMP, Youth Net Control and VA QSO party almost champion |
Paul, N4PD, Yahoo Reflector chair |
Ken, KJ4GYL, Vice-president, Field Day co-captain, Oktoberfest co-chair
Ben, N3FQ, webmaster and field day chairman |
LARG 2016 Membership Renewal: 2016 Application Form
Also consider participating in the ARRL Affiliated Club Dues Commission Program and process your ARRL Memership through our Treasurer:
ARRL Affiliated Club Membership Fee Benefit The American Radio Relay League continues to support the Club Commission Program. The Loudoun Amateur Radio Group, as an Official Affiliated Club of the ARRL, can retain $15.00 for each 'NEW' regular membership or 'a rejoining regular member' who has not retained an ARRL membership for two or more calendar years prior to the application submission; and, can retain $2.00 for each 'renewing regular member including lapsed members of less than 2 years' submitted. See Details. You may obtain membership application form direct from the ARRL Membership Internet Site. Also see other ARRL Membership Level features including Family plans. Under this program all forms and fees are turned in to the club treasurer.
MONDAY LARG LUNCH AT WEGMANS - Every Monday around 1130 hours at Leesburg's Wegmams east of Leesburg and south of Route 7.
Hope To See You There. |
LARG Seven Regular Weekly Radio Nets - Frequencies & Times:
Due to health issues facing Jack Hammett, K4VV, the Virginia mountaintop station bearing his call sign that pioneered totally remote multioperator, multitransmitter (MM) contesting, has been shut down. The equipment is being dismantled and the equipment sold off. The K4VV remote multi-multi contest station project team won’t be disbanding, however. Instead, it will transition from “TeamK4VV” to “TeamW0YR,” operating from another Virginia station some 18 miles from the K4VV site, said Mike Lonneke, W0YR.
“This past winter’s brutal conditions caused serious damage to antennas on three of the towers at the big K4VV contest station, sitting atop Virginia’s Catoctin Ridge,” Lonneke told ARRL. Veteran contester Jack Hammett built K4VV, but health problems have prevented him from being actively involved in the station’s activities.” The group of 20 contesters calling itself TeamK4VV have been operating Hammett’s station for the past 5 years at his invitation, and the contest enthusiasts turned K4VV into the first completely remote MM contesting station.
With no operators in the K4VV shack, TeamK4VV finished 10th in the ARRL International DX SSB this past March, with a claimed score of 5.3 million points.
At the end of March, the team managed an 11th place claimed finish in the CQ World Wide WPX SSB, operating as AC3U, racking up 14.3 million points. “Then, things came apart,” Lonneke said. “The drive mechanism on K4VV’s Super Bertha failed, boom guys on the top 4 element 40 meter OWA Yagi worked loose and hung down, endangering other antennas, and several other serious problems came to light.” He said TeamK4VV members were ready to carry out the repairs, but when Lonneke approached Hammett to have the work done, he learned that, in view of Hammett’s worsening health, his family had decided to close the station.
“Just weeks before the CQ WPX CW — even as John, K3TN, was making a detailed presentation on K4VV’s Totally Remote Multi-Multi contesting effort at Dayton Hamvention — team members began the sad task of dismantling and selling the amazing panoply of equipment at K4VV,” Lonneke said. “The tower professional who handled the original antenna installations is involved presently in disposing of the antenna systems.”
But with a new name and renewed spirit, TeamW0YR has begun planning to resume its totally remote MM contesting activities in earnest this September. W0YR recently took delivery of a new, additional tower. In June, Lonneke upgraded his station’s vital Internet connection to equal the data throughput speeds that had been available at K4VV.
Up to five operators may log on, listen to, or operate any position at W0YR, Lonneke explained. He pointed out that team members won’t need to purchase any new gear or software in order to use two of the W0YR operating positions. “Team members who have Elecraft K3 transceivers and RemoteRig interfaces use the third position,” Lonneke said. All positions have fully automatic amplifiers. An antenna switching system designed by Top Ten Devices allows the remote operator to select any available antenna from any position, with a lockout feature. Any position can turn the rotators for the band it’s using. Four remote audio systems are available: RemoteRig audio, DF3CB’s RemAud, Mumble, and Skype.
The team also may use any of several call signs available to it, including W0YR, W0NA, W4YY, KK3TN, AC3U, and KT6V.
“The team is getting ready to work the IARU HF World Champsionship in order to ‘wring out’ any faults,” Lonneke told ARRL this week. “Even though there is no MM category in the IARU, we will run MM and turn in a check log.” — Thanks to Mike Lonneke, W0YR
Moving a tower to W0YR's QTH for additional antenna support. |
VA QSO Party 2015
While logs as a whole were down for the clubs, there were a couple noteworthy accomplishments: |
KM4IML (now KG0ATS) broke records for High Single Operator VHF and High VA VHF Only
LARG beat out FARA in winning High Club VA Only (both KG0ATS, her brother K4IMP, and dad, N3FQ, all contributed substantial scores) even though we lost the Club High.

Ben Packard - N3FQ LARG Outstanding Member for 2014

(Purcellville, Virginia, January 13, 2015) At our 2014 Holiday Dinner at the Hamilton Safety Center on December 6, 2014 Ben Packard, N3FQ, was awarded the Loudoun Amateur Radio Group's Outstanding Member for 2014.
The Certification
"The Loudoun Amateur Radio Group hereby recognize the outstanding contributions of Ben Packard, N3FQ, of Purcellville, Virginia, for his outstanding support, attention to detail, invaluable dedication and excellent stewardship of the LARG. Ben was the key coach and station captain for our Get-On-The-Air Station, N3FQ, in the K4LRG 2014 Field Day winning first place Class 5A operation. He provided public information at Field Day 2014. Ben registered and managed the 2014 Field Day Operators Big Board. He has steadily improved his home station and now operates in five weekly LARG radio nets. He also volunteered to serve out the Treasurer's 2014 term and serve as our 2015 Treasurer. Finally, he operated successfully in the Virginia QSO Party and LARG Marathon Contest; he sponsored the four 2014 Formula-2 LARG Marathon Contest Trophies." Read More |
LARG Tech License Training - Saturday & Sunday, January 31 & February 1, 2015.

Loudoun County Amateur Radio Group (K4LRG) will be at the VFW 1177 in Leesburg on Saturday, Jan 31.from 8am-5pm for Tech Class, and Sunday, Feb 1 from 8am to 5pm for Tech Review and Test.
Coffee donuts in morning; HOT DOGs and chips and drink for LUNCH. Plus, Water, Soda, Coffee for adults and Hot Coco for children.
Since our last class, the VFW has better lighting, new tables, same chairs, and new bathrooms. The Class is Free.
No online reservation is necessary, just a head count is all I need please send your intent to attend to [email protected] .
Hope to see many attend. Best Regards, Jay Greeley,K I4UTB, Chairman, LARG Training Committee
Winter 2015 Tech Class Subject Schedule By Henry - K2BFY
Refer To ARRLTech Book For Subject Material. All times are approximate.
T1 Saturday 31 Jan, 0800 K2BFY
T2 Saturday 31 Jan, 0900
T3 Saturday 31 Jan, 0930
15 minute break 1000
T4 Saturday 31 Jan 1015
T5 Saturday 31 Jan 1045
Film Saturday 31 Jan 1300 K2BFY
Baofeng Radios Saturday 31 Jan 1330 K0BRA
T6 Saturday 31 Jan 1400
T7 Saturday 31 Jan 1445
15 minute break
T8 Saturday 31 Jan 1545
T9 Saturday 31 Jan
T0 Saturday 31 Jan
Review Sunday 01 Feb 0800 to 1200
Test Sunday 01 Feb 1300
Frostfeat Richmond, VA. - Saturday, February 7, 2015 at 0800 hours
Happy New Year!
The Frostfest Committee, staff, and volunteers hope that you have had a wonderful holiday season.
And now we want to encourage you to head on over to and order your tables and tickets for Frostfest 2015!
We're in the Exhibition Hall at the Richmond Raceway Complex, the entire hamfest under one roof. This is a great improvement over years past!
Tables are going quickly, but some prime real estate is still available. We have Kay Craigie, N3KN and President of the ARRL, along with Bob Bruninga, WB4APR, the inventor of APRS and other ham radio developments, as keynote speakers; prizes, new vendors, and much, much more!
Don't miss the best hamfest of the year! We look forward to seeing you at Frostfest 2015 on Saturday, February 7!
Orders received on or after Saturday January 30, 2015 will be help at Will Call. All ordering will end on Tuesday, February 3, 2015. Don't wait! Order now!

LARG 2015 K4LRG Field Day Meeting #1
Saturday, February 5th at 1900 - 2100 hours - Get Map
Who: You
What: First Field Day Planning Meeting
Where: Ashburn Library, 43316 Hay Road, Ashburn, VA 2014
When: Thursday, Feb 5th from 7-9pm (avoiding the weekend contest times)
Why: So you can have input into the organization and plans for 2015 Field Day
I plan to go over our club objectives, discuss station/tower arrangements, and look start the ball rolling for another banner year!
If you have questions, let me know. Otherwise I'll see you there.
Ben, N3FQ, 2015 Field Day Chairman
p.s. I will work on securing teleconference capabilities for the meeting and post info before the meeting.
LARG Monthly Meeting - Saturday, February 21 at 0830 hours - Get Map
Zeno Wahl, VE3ZAW, has agreed to speak at the February 21 club meeting on Mesh Networks. Some of you may remember that Zeno spoke a little over a year ago on the same topic. There is renewed interest from club members in mesh networking so we thought it would be good to have him revisit the topic. 73's, Ken - KJ4GYL
Virginia QSO Party - Saturday - Sunday, March 21- 22, 2015
39th Annual Winterfest Annandale, VA. - Sunday, March 22, 2015 at 0800 hours
LARG Monthly Meeting - Saturday, April 18 at 0830 hours - Get Map
DAYTON Hamvention- Friday - Sunday, May 15 - 17 - DETAILS
LARG Monthly Meeting - Saturday, May 16 at 0830 hours - Get Map
LARG Monthly Meeting - Saturday, June 20 at 0830 hours - Get Map
ARRL K4LRG Field Day - Friday - Saturday - Sunday, June 26, 27 28 , 2015.
LARG Monthly Meeting - Saturday, July 18 at 0830 hours - Get Map
LARG Monthly Meeting - Saturday, August 15 at 0830 hours - Get Map
LARG Monthly Meeting plus Fox Hunt - Saturday, September 19 at 0830 hours - Get Map
LARG Monthly Meeting - Saturday, October 17 at 0830 hours
LARG Monthly Meeting - Saturday, November 21 at 0830 hours - Get Map
The 2014 CQ WW at KØZR
(Purcellville, Virginia, December 1,, 2014)
Jeff compares his 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014 operations.
This past weekend of November 23, 2013, was the CQWW CW contest. This was the third time I really "dove in" to try and work the contest as aggressively as I could. Each year has been different as I have progressively added antennas to my station.
My planning began over a year ago, actually, for this WW just completed. I had numerous examples since moving to my QTH in 2010 that illustrated I needed better hearing capabilities on 160m and 80m if I was to make a reasonable number of contacts. My "L" shaped lot, location of transmit antennas, and the 19.2 KV power line traversing close to E-to-W on one side of my property, all but eliminated from consideration a beverage system. So I began seriously considering an active four-square arrangement. I designed a suitable active antenna preamplifier, with one prototype completed, and had begun working out the details of the switching matrix to switch receive into four different directions, when I began having to travel extensively. I knew I had no chance of completing my own design in time for the 2013-14 contest season so I purchased the DX Engineering four-square system ( not the "full-up" system but most of it ). I completed the installation of the four-square in September. It is arranged with the diagonals of the square hitting Europe, South American, New Zealand, and Japan. Each side of the square is 70 ft.
The addition of the four-square completes my plans for antennas at my location. While I would like to have more antennas, an additional tower, and the like, I have done as much as I can without looking like the "Beverly Hillbillies". My XYL may not agree with that assessment, believing perhaps that the QTH already looks that way J . For the CQWW I used a Cushcraft XM-240 at 80 ft for 40m, a Force12 C31XR at 71 ft covering, 10, 15, and 20m, a DX Engineering 80/40m vertical with 90 radials on 80m, and an inverted "L" for 160m.
The 2014 LARG Berryville Campaign
(Purcellville, Virginia, September 22,, 2014)
Like is our practice, we formed up by 0515 hours; it is still O-Dark-Thirty. The Campaign was well organized. We had a nice 5-unit convoy out of the old IGA parking lot in eastern Purcellville by 0525 hours local. Rick - AI1V (now N1RM) was point. There were no delays and our traditional spot under the tall trees was available. Again, some had spent the night after setting up on Saturday. The weather was great with no threat of rain. It didn't take long for the early birds to find us and the good stuff was gone by 8 AM. Dave - KE4S helped Norm find a nice 6M 100-watt multimode transceiver and very nice 5-elemnt 6M yagi antenna. Things slowed by 1130 hours and we "Closed Station and March Ordered." It was so nice to see so many of the Loudoun ARG and our other friends. As show below, if you need a nice radio or antenna then this is the place to shop around. We look forward to another in 2015.
The Great K4FW Lift At AI2C On Canby
(Purcellville, Virginia, July 22,, 2014 Reported and Photographed By Norm Styer, AI2C of Clarkes Gap, Virginia, Sunday, July 13, 2014) My self-supporting crank-up TRI-EX W-51 tower and Telrex TB6-EM 6-element yagi antenna were installed here on Canby in August 1980 after arriving here from an assignment at Fort Monmouth, New Jersey. This is an old, big and heavy system but a very reliable work horse purchased direct from Telrex Labs in Lakehurst, New Jersey in 1977 and operated at 432 Peskin Road, Farmingdale, New Jersey. This combination pretty well max-ed out what the Army would move for me. Some reviews here: EHam TB6-EM Reviews. The antenna has seen 3 rotors otherwise only the growing Eastern Ash trees have slowed it down. The reflector was hung up in the now taller broader trees. Earlier this year, several of my contest and DX-ing friends offered to do some climbing and trimming. I even thought about buying a 40-foot extension ladder at Home Depot. Well, in July 2014, Jim Stowers, K4FW, my neighbor up the road on Canby came to my rescue. READ MORE
(Purcellville, Virginia, March 23, 2014) Five members of the Loudoun Amateur Radio Group teamed up to operate Jack Hammett's K4VV Super Station to operate in the Virginia QSO Party. Each of the five used a different call sign during the contest. Scores from the five members' logs will be submitted to VAQP sponsors in order to bolster the Loudoun group's contest score.
Pictured (top to bottom) in the photo are Rick-AI1V, Bill-KJ4VTH and Bud-KK4ULA. Also participating were Dan-KI4RSD and Mike-W0YR. Paul-N4PD spent many hours setting up the complex three-position, five operator arrangement at K4VV so that each operator's log could be kept and submitted separately.
Pictured here is one of the two TelRex "Big Bertha" rotating poles. Both "Berthas" are loaded with stacks of antennas for 10, 15 and 20 Meter amateur bands. Another tower, not pictured, hosts a stacked pair of full-sized four-element 40 Meter band yagi antennas. The team used a 106-foot high dipole on the 80 Meter band.
The group's operation during the second section of the contest, which ran on Sunday (16 Mar) had to be cut short by several hours as a winter storm descended on northern Virginia and dumped 16" of snow on the station's Catoctin Ridge location.
Photo Credits: Antenna picture by AI2C and shack picture by W0YR.
Best Regards, Mike - W0YR
16th Annual LARG Holiday Dinner
(Purcellville, Virginia, January 21, 2014) Some thirty members and guests of the Loudoun Amateur Radio Group met for it's sixteenth annual Holiday Dinner at the Arlington Army Navy County Club.
They were entertained with seasonal songs by the Chorus of the Old Dominion. We thank Bob Rodriguez, KJ4NXG, on the left in above photograph, for arranging this appearance.
Of course, special thanks goes to Henry Weidman, K2BFY, Jay Greeley, KJ4UTB and others for arranging this great event.
Again this year, we did something very special by capturing First Place in 5A in the 2013 ARRL Field Day. Seldom does a radio club do a repeat. Congrads to all. Gary Quinn, NC4S, thanked all who supported Filed Day 2013.
Awards were also presented by Gary Quinn, NC4S, for the LARG's DX Marathon. Some great records were set. We had seven participants; hopefully more will try in 2014.
Henry Weidman, K2BFY, had some nice door prizes including several nice small 2/440 handheld transceivers. And, he had checked them all and programmed them with all the local repeater frequencies. Thanks Henry.
Finally, Henry Weidman, K2BFY, of Sterling, Virginia, was awarded the Loudoun Amateur Radio Group's Outstanding Member for 2.013. Thanks for a great year.
All thirty-plus of us will remember this one. Thanks to all who pulled this one off !!! READ MORE
2013 LARG Marathon Award Winners
(Purcellville, Virginia, December 7, 2013)
2013 Loudoun Amateur Radio Group Marathon Awards
Unlimited Mixed Mode High Score: Norm Styer, AI2C
Unlimited CW Only High Score: John Unger, W4AU
Formula 2 Mixed Mode High Score: Ben Pearson, KD7UIY  |
Formula 2 Digital Only High Score: Steve Greeene, KS1G |
ALSO: Unlimted Digital Only High Score: Dave Putman, KE4S |
& Formula 1 Mixed Mode High Score: Bill Robbins, KJ4VTH |
Henry Weidman - K2BFY OM for 2013
(Purcellville, Virginia, December 7, 2013) At our 2013 Holiday Dinner at the Army-Navy Country Club in Fairfax, Virginia, on December 7, 2013, Henry Weidman, K2BFY, was awarded the Loudoun Amateur Radio Group's Outstanding Member for 2013.
The Certification
"The Loudoun Amateur Radio Group hereby recognizes the outstanding contributions of Henry Weidman - K2BFY of Sterling, Virginia, for his outstanding support, attention to detail, invaluable dedication and excellent stewardship of the LARG. Henry has participated in almost every event that LARG is active in, assisting with LARG training classes, helping new hams program their new handheld radios, started the weekly lunch at Wegmans and the 220 MHz Net, helped with the GOTA station and other Field Day operations, and put together a Field Day scavenger hunt for younger participants, with face painting. He set up the 2013 Fox Hunt. Each club meeting now has a new format that has drawn larger crowds at each meeting where the presentation is given first. He provided a door prize drawing at each club meeting, provided support for the Reston Century Ride, and has been an outstanding president for LARG." Read More |
Signals de Loudoun©
Stories of Amateur Radio In Loudoun County, Virginia
Volume 2013 Edition 2 (Purcellville, Virginia, November 11,, 2013)
"W4AU Story of 2013 ARRL CW Sweep Stakes"
"Signals de Loudoun"
Here's A Very Special Report From One Our Supreme CW Operators
By John Unger,
W4AU of Hamilton, Virginia
"For the past few years I have always done a fair amount of preparation prior to the start of most contests but especially ARRL CW Sweep Stakes (SS). These chores are in addition to "normal" stuff like checking antenna SWR and amplifier settings, etc. I like to go through the last few years' logs and see what time and bands I worked some of the rarer, more distant sections, like NT, PAC, KP2, AK, etc. Then I also like to look at the rates sheets from these past SS's and try to see what bands I should be on and when to keep up good rates.
I began listening to the bands about 30 minutes before the start and found that 20 seemed to be in good shape for both long and intermediate paths, i.e, good coverage of high population areas. So I started out at the bell running on 14043 and stayed there with good rates until about 2145 when I went up to the top of the of the CW activity and started an aggressive S&P campaign down that band. About 2200 with 70 Q's logged, I moved to 40 and started S&P'ing until I found a clear run frequency at 7045. I moved down a few kHz to 7033 where I basically stayed for the next 5 hours running and picking up 53 additional second radio Q's on 15 and 20 for an average of 59 QSO's per hour. I worked KP4, KP2, and KL7 on 20 with the second radio while running on 40. About 0300 I went to 80 and first found a good run frequency high in the band and then an ideal location at 3535 where I stayed for the next 3 hours running and picking up 23 second radio contacts on 40. I had good rates on 80 and so had not much time for listening to other bands. I went to bed at 0640 with 566 QSO's, including dupes, in the log and needing ND, NE, VY1, and PAC for a sweep...." Read More.
20th Anniversary of the LARG
(Purcellville, Virginia, October 31,, 2013)
"Signals de Loudoun"
Happy 20th Anniversary To All !!!
A Very Special Thanks For All The Great Years
Here's A Very Special Message From One Of Our Founders, Gary Quinn, NC4S of Lovettsville, Virginia
"The roots or beginnings of the Loudoun Amateur Radio Group go back to 1993 when a group of radio amateurs, that frequently used the 147.300 Bluemont repeater, decided to participate in the ARRL Field Day activities in June of that year. The group decided to hold the Field Day activities at Gary Quinn's farm in Lovettsville Virginia.
The participants at this Field Day were George Cotton (KD4PWR), Tom Carney (WB9RXJ), Mark Gilliam (N3GMW Now W3MDG), Roy Clark (KC4YGB), David Bachschmid (KD4TWR), Gary Quinn (NC4S), and Jack Fastnaught (KD4UDX). The majority of the hams that participated in the Field Day activity at Gary's farm had never done so before and it showed. We managed to have a low score because of dipole antennas at 20 feet, generator that quit because of water in the gas, thunderstorms shutting down operations, bending a two-meter antenna support mast during its raising, and an HF vertical antenna that was not connected properly. Despite all of the mistakes poor weather, and low score the group had a lot of fun together...." Read More.
The 2013 Berryville Campaign
(Purcellville, Virginia, August 9,, 2013) At 0515 hours it is still O-Dark-Thirty. We had a nice 5-unit convoy out of the old IGA parking lot in eastern Purcellville at 0520 hours local. Gary Quinn - NC4S was point with tanden-axle trailer loaded with Rohn and Hy-Gain, and Dodson and Marcia were trail. At 0545 hours, as in the past, we were some of the first units there and they were upon us as soon as we parked under the tall trees in the eastern end of the Clarke County Fair Grounds. Many had set up the night before and looks like they spent the night. There were signs of rain overnight. It didn't take long to part with the good stuff. Norm - AI2C parted with his 40-year old stash; he had many good bargains and by 1100 hours had some $250 to show for his effort. Gary - NC4S also did a nice job and he has several still thinking about picking up his 60-feet of Rohn 25 tower. Bill - K8SYH and Paul - N4PD also did good. It's estimated that LARG's haul was around a G-Note. It was so nice to see so many of the Loudoun ARG and our other friends. As show below, if you need a nice radio then this is the place to shop around. We look forward to another in 2014. See Many Photographs and Roster.
Earth - Moon - Earth Communications
Moonbounce by Paul Bock, K4MSG
(Purcellville, Virginia, May 13,, 2013) An outstanding article by Paul Bock, K4MSG, of his wonderful accomplishment of communicating around the world by bouncing signals off the moon is now available on K4LRG.ORG. In granting permission to publish here, Paul writes:
"For your information,, what I really want to do with this is show that, thanks to modern technology and the steady world-wide growth of EME popularity, it just really ain't all that technically difficult or expensive to do this and achieve some small measure of success. I would love for there to be some hams in our club who could say, "Oh, yeah, I've done moonbounce a few times, it was fun and I learned some things doing it." How cool would THAT be? :-) 73, Paul" |
Paul's report is available here.
Loudoun Amateur Radio Group's
K4LRG 2013 Field Day Exercise
Friday - Saturday - Sunday June 21, 22, and 23, 2013
Are You With Us ?
(Purcellville, VA. March 23, 2013)
Chris - W3CUM and Dave - KE4OKY, Co-Chairmen for the 2013 LARG - K4LRG ARRL Field Day Committee, held a early morning planning meeting at the Virginia Army National Guard Armory in Leesburg on Saturday, March 23, 2013. Considerable progress was made. See Chris's announcement here.
Meeting Presentation By Chris, W3CUM
Those in attendance, form the left, Paul - N4PD, Gary - NC4S, Dave - KE4OKY, Gene - N3EV, Nycole, Henry - K2BFY, Rick- KR9D, Frank - K0BRA, Ben - N3FQ, Jay - KI4TXP, Gene - WB8WKU, Luther - K5NOB, Jeff - KØZR and Rick - AI1V. Photo by Norm - AI2C. |
The Co-Chairman's Message
(Loudoun ARG, Purcellville, VA. March 3, 2013)
Welcome to the 2013 LARG Field Day! This year it will be held at the Westerman Farm (WB5ODJ) in beautiful and picturesque western Loudoun County. Field Day will be from June 22nd to 23rd with setup on Thursday evening, June 20th and Friday, June 21st for a maximum of 24 hours of setup.
LARG Field Day reflects the spirit of the club as a Fun place to operate radio and talk with folks who are happy to share their knowledge and experience with new and more seasoned Hams alike. Last year we were the top club in the country operating in the 5A category. This success reflects the dedication the Club and operators have to the hobby, but not at the expense of having fun while operating. If it wasn't fun we would not be doing it! We expect that the LARG 2013 Field day will have the same well balanced mix of fun, camaraderie, and competitiveness that we have enjoyed at past events.
Come on out and join us for a glorious 24 hours (plus set up and tear down) of simulated emergency operation. It is a great time for new and old hams alike to get on the air and flex those radio operator chops!
Don't forget to sign up on the BIG BOARD to get your operating time slot. They are going fast!
Even if you choose not to operate, come on out anyway and
HEAR: the CQs from around the country and around the world!
FEEL: the excitement!
SEE: Amateur Radio at its best!
We'll be looking for you!
LARG Field Day 2013
Co-Chairman: Chris W3CUM
Read More At Our 2013 Field Day Section of K4LRG.ORG
A Loudoun Amateur Radio Group 2013
Technician Class Amateur Radio Training Event
Rported by Bob Rodriguez, KJ4NXG |
(February 12, 2013, Purcellville, Virginia) On January 11 through 13, 2013, the Loudoun Amateur Radio Group of Northern Virginia sponsored another of its popular amateur radio licensing preparation classes for Technician Class operators. The class was held at the VFW Post 1177 Hall in Leesburg, VA.
Class attendees numbered 33. These included members of the Civil Air Patrol, the Virginian Defense Force, Boy Scouts, and no-affiliated persons. Four members of LARG, Jay Greeley, KI4UTB, Henry Weidman, K2BFY, and Bob Rodriguez, KJ4NXG, and Sean Sheedy, AI4ID, served as instructors; other LARG members assisted with photography by Norm Styer, AI2C, public address system by Paul Dluehosh, N4PD, and other essentials. A guest Instructor, Mark Braunstein, WA4KFZ, from the Old Virginia Hams Radio Club, W4OVH, in Manassas, VA., helped teach the course and answer the more technical questions. READ MORE

Bob Rodriguez, KJ4NXG
Jay Greeley, KI4UTB