Loudoun ARES - LARG Operations Plan for Reston Century Ride 2011
Revision 1 Dated 2055 Hours 18 August 2011
Provide radio communications for the Reston Bicycle Club on Sunday August 21, 2011.
Reference: Maps and Cue Sheets Published by RBC - Indexed at Left
Procedures: Communications will take place on a directed voice net. All
communication will be on the primary frequency unless directed by net control to
secondary frequencies for the handling of traffic. The net control will be located at the
home of John Westerman (WB5ODJ). Net control will use the call sign of K4LRG.
Net Primary frequency will be simplex 147.480 MHz with a sub audible tone of 100 Hz. Please make sure that you use a sub audible tone of 100 Hz on 147.480 MHz or no one will hear you.
Net secondary frequency will be 443.00 MHz with sub audible of 88.5 Hz. This is the N2LEE repeater. The cross band repeater in Reston provide by AI1V will utilize 445.925 MHz using sub audible tone of 100 Hz for the uplink in Reston to the simplex 147.480 net frequency. Note: the sub audible tone is used to reduce interference that is experienced in the Reston Town Center. Utilization of the ARPS system will provide SAG vehicle location information at Net control, Hamilton and Reston Town center. The APRS systems will use 144.390 MHz for its operations
ALL OPERATORS: Be sure that you can be self sufficient for food and water. I hope that you will be able to receive water at the rest stops and snacks but it is better to be prepared to take care of your needs independently. SAG riders especially need to take food and water with them. SAG riders will be able to take care of rest stop needs when they arrive back at the rest stop after covering their route.
Site installations at rest stops should start with early enough so that they are operational by 6:30 am Sunday August 21, 2011 except for the Lovettsville rest stop which should start set up around 8:00 am Sunday. Station captains will decide on exact time for setting up their stations at the rest stops. However all sites except Lovettsville should be installed and operational by 6:30 am net check in and test time. Riders will be leaving the town center at 6:30 am. Between 6:30 am and 7:00am we will be testing with the various stations providing signal reports and other information. Full net operations will commence at 7:00 am in support of the ride. All stations should note during the test period what stations they can receive and provide a report to net control when asked.
Net control will establish the net at 7:00 am and will begin station check in and testing.
All sites, SAG riders and stations should remain operational until told to secure by net control.
Net control operations: Will be located at John Westerman's home. Gary Quinn, NC4S, Ken Sullivan, KJ4GYL, Dave Putman, KE4S, Bill Buchholz, K8SYH, and John Westerman, WB5ODJ will be the net control operators. John will start net operations at 6:00 am; the other net operators should arrive by 7 am or other times as instructed. They will stay at net control and rotate as net operator until net operations close.
Ashburn rest stop operators: Luther Guise, K5NOB, is the station captain and he will be assisted by; Sally Guise, K4NOB, and Bryan Stephens, KG4UPR. RBC will open the rest stop at 7:00 am and they are planning to close Ashburn around 4:30 pm.
RBC contact at site Dan Scrafford, cell 703-955-1676 and Minnie Scrafford, cell 703-887-3098.
Hamilton rest stop operators: John Unger, W4AU, is the station captain and he will be assisted by Charlie Preston, K4LJH, Dennis Boehler, KF4TJI, and Carol Boehler, KF4TJJ, RBC will open the rest stop at 7:30 am and plan to close around 3:30 pm.
RBC contact at site; Chris Burgess, cell 703-789-5446 and Dawn Sherwood, cell 703-789-4326.
Lovettsville rest stop operators: Jay Ives, KI4TXP, is the station captain and he will be assisted by Nick Schaff, W4POM. RBC will open rest stop around 8:30 am and will close around 2:30 pm depending on rider traffic.
RBC contact at site Ron Rothrock, cell 571-232-6107 and Diane VanDyke, cell 540-379-3321.
Reston Town Center (RTC) operators: Dave Wendlend, KE4OKY, is the station captain in Reston and he will be assisted by Jeff Slusher, KE5APC and Trisha Wells, KI4PCM special liaison to the RBC. The RBC contact at Reston site is Ken Thompson, cell 703-505-8955. Please use Trisha, KI4PCM, as the primary contact with the RBC (use radio contact first then her cell (703-973-2119). All operators will stay on site until close of net.
SAG assignments:
Each SAG radio operator should call their respective SAG driver and
coordinate time for pickup, equipment installation and confirm
location for this process.
SAG-1: Hamilton North Loop
7:30 am on route with radio operator
Driver: John Schiavo and Chris Doerfler John's # 703-865-6703 cell 703-508-7446
Radio: Kurt Reeber (KI4FWB)
Loop coverage: Hamilton North Loop
Meet driver: Hamilton rest stop
Tasks: Sweep the Hamilton North loop, return riders to Hamilton, and pick up signs at end of last sweep of the loop. Respond to alternate requests of net control.
SAG-2: Hamilton South Loop
7:30 am on route with radio operator
Driver: Chris Ciccone, Courtney, Chris's # 703-628-0053
Loop coverage: Hamilton South Loop
Radio: Chris Painter (KB3RUR)
Meet driver: Hamilton rest stop
Tasks: Sweep Hamilton South Loop, return riders to Hamilton, Ashburn and pick up signs at end of last sweep of the loop. Respond to alternate requests of net control.
SAG-3: Hamilton West Loop
7:30 am on route with radio operator
Driver: Amy Steckel, # 603-345-1315
Loop coverage: Hamilton West Loop
Radio: Gene Harrison (N3EV)
Meet driver: Hamilton rest stop
Tasks: Sweep the West Loop, return riders to Hamilton, Ashburn and pick up signs at end of last sweep of the loop. Respond to alternate requests of net control.
SAG-4: Hamilton and Ashburn Loop
7:15 am on route with radio operator
Driver: Mike Dinsmore, # 703-444-6009
Loop coverage: Hamilton and Ashburn Loop
Radio: Rick Miller (AI1V)
Meet driver: Ashburn rest stop
Tasks: Relay riders back to Ashburn, provide backup for other Sags. Respond to alternate requests of net control.
SAG-5: Ashburn or Reston Town center and Ashburn Loop
7:00 on route with radio operator
Driver: Rick Rowe, # 571-205-0566
Loop coverage: Ashburn or Reston Town center and Ashburn Loop
Radio: Chris Patton (W3CUM)
Meet driver: Ashburn rest stop
Tasks: Sweep Ashburn loop, relay riders to Reston Town Center (RTC). Respond to alternate requests of net control.
Please continuously patrol your route, Look out for sign tampering, and carry the
following supplies provided by the RBC driver:
Tire pump, tire levers, adjustable wrench, spare tubes (RBC will provide paper towels extra
water, first-aid kit (RBC will provide), broom, road mark chalk, map, GPS, pen, paper, incident report forms and extra cue sheets and tie-wrap cutter.
The net control will be located at the home of John WB5ODJ. Net control will use the call sign of K4LRG.
Net Primary frequency will be 147.480 simplex with sub-audible tone of 100 Hz.
Net secondary frequency will be 443.00 with sub-audible tone of 88.5 Hz.
SAG vehicle operators will use 144.390 MHz for APRS. SAG riders if possible will provide APRS in the vehicle they are riding in. Please set your APRS to beacon your SAG vehicle number and call. SAG vehicle should beacon every 3 minutes. This is to reduce interference with communications.
All stations should have FM capability on 144 and 440 MHz.
All stations will be powered using appropriate battery power to cover
the entire day's operational needs.
We will use tactical call sings where possible:
Net Control
Bike 1
When using tactical call signs best practice is to use your FCC call
as you complete each exchange. This will keep you legal.
Operation and event Notes:
Station captains, need to set up radios, power, antennas and shelters
for each of their respective sites. If they need resources to fulfill
this requirement please let Gary Quinn or one of the team members
assigned to the rest stop know so that they may assist in providing
the resources needed. You may also set up more than one station for
dual operation on both 144 MHz and 440 MHz.
Electrical power for all radios is to be battery power.
Safety: Make sure that you check antenna positions so that they will
not risk adverse RF exposure, make sure antennas will not contact
power lines, make sure that cables do not create a tripping hazard,
and make sure that you are sheltered and have food and are hydrated.
Time and Logs: All fixed stations should keep logs and record traffic. Keep
a log of all communications for your station in daylight savings time in 24 hour format.