31 DECEMBER 2007
Date of This Plan 29 December, 2007
LARG will provide communications for First Night Leesburg on 31 December, 2007. LARG support usually begins with portable repeater deployment at about 1630 and continues until about 2330.
Amateur Radio Operators will Provide Communications support between the event headquarters, and various venues including downtown Leesburg, County Government center and others. Generally all venues are within walking distance of headquarters. Support consists of relaying needs of the venue volunteers for supplies, personnel and information to the headquarters station, and occasional transfer of supplies between HQ and various venues.
Leesburg Police Auxiliary handle cash transport and escorts.
Approximately 1630, the UHF portable repeater will be deployed on top of the town parking garage. Denny, KF4TJI, will lead the repeater deployment effort.
The net control station will be set up at the event headquarters. Event HQ is at 1 East Market St., Second Floor. Tom, WB3AKD, will lead the HQ installation.
By 1800 at least three portable radio-equipped hams should be available with remaining volunteers arriving by 1900.
Early children’s shows will begin at 1800 with the rest of the venues opening at 1900.
NOTE: SEE ATTACHMENT ONE for Schedule and List of Venues is Attached.
About 15 minutes into the performance, a head count from each venue will be taken. Head Counts will be held until you are polled by Net Control.
Headcounts need not be exact, it is sufficient to estimate number of seats per row and multiply by number of rows.
Service and Support:
Participating LARG members should insure that they have extra batteries, and cold weather clothes and shoes for this event.
While food and drinks for volunteers are available at the event headquarters, each Amateur Radio Volunteer should be self sufficient as far as equipment,
batteries, antennas, headsets and any individual needs like medications, hand warmers, etc.
Weather is expected to be dry, but brisk. Check weather conditions on the 31st and equip yourself accordingly.
Command and Communications:
Peter Dunning or Lily Dunning will be the overall event lead.
Tom Dawson, WB3AKD, will be Amateur Radio Support lead.
Net Control (K4LRG) will be established at event headquarters, 1 East Market St., 2nd Floor.
Primary Net frequency will be 443.225 (+5MHz Offset) PL tone 103.5 Hz.
Talk-around frequency in the event of a repeater failure is 443.225 MHz simplex.
Be prepared to relay if the repeater is down and net control cannot hear a calling
station. To relay, call net control and say “This is K4XYZ, may I relay, OVER”
and follow net control’s instructions.
Wear headphones so as not to disrupt the performances.
Expected traffic levels are such that the net will start out as a free net, although if traffic increases, it will be changed to a directed net.
Emergencies will be passed directly to 911 via cell phone, if available, otherwise to net control. Note the location, and nature of the emergency before calling it in.
When making an emergency call, so specify in your first transmission i. e. “This is K4XYZ, EMERGENCY, OVER”. If an Emergency call is sent the net will
automatically become a directed net with K4LRG as Net Control. Stations not involved in the emergency will stand by until Net Control terminates the
The Net Control Station - K4LRG
Operating Out Of The Old Leesburg Today Offices
At 1 East Market Street, Leesburg
Jay Greeley - KI4UTB, Tom Dawson - WB3AKD
and John Unger - W4AU at Net Control - K4LRG

The WB3AKD Portable 443 MHz Emergency Repeater
Installed On Denny and Carol Boehler's Pick-Up On The Top Of The Leesburg Parking Garage
Tuesday, January 01, 2008 12:43 PM
de Tom Dawson - WB3AKD
Amateur Radio Emergency Service
Emergency Coordinator, Loudoun County, Virginia
Thanks to all for their support of First Night Leesburg. Please, see Roster of Volunteers below.
Thanks to Denny, KF4TJI, for his usual good work setting up the repeater,
with assistance from Carol, KF4TJJ and Norm, again for the spare battery.
Several different operators took a turn at net control, and there was the
usual swapping of assignments during the night.
We had some difficulty with the base station setup, and, given the shallow,
standing water on the roof at HQ, which froze over during the operation,
tear down was pretty hairy. Thanks to Norm, AI2C and Dave, KE4S, for
helping me wrangle the cable and antenna from the roof, and Dave, Norm and
Jay, KI4UTB, for helping with the toting of gear back out to the truck.
We had a good assortment of Old Hands, Not-so-old hands, and New Hands this
year which is refreshing and healthful for the group.
Altogether, an Outstanding performance.
73, Tom Dawson
ARES EC Loudoun County, VA (540) 454-0520 (Cell) [email protected]

Standing Tall - Look Mom, No Guys !!!