The 2012 LARG - K4LRG Field Day Committee
(L-R) Dave - KE4S, Bryan - KG4UPR, Jay - KI4TXP, Bill - N4TS, Chris - KB3RUR, Gary - NC4S, Dave - KE4OKY,
Rick - KR9D, John - K3US, Paul - N4PD, Jeff - KE5APC, John - W4AU (Photo By Norm - AI2C)
The Chairman's Report
(Purcellville, VA. April 10, 2012) The first meeting for the Loudoun Amateur Radio Group's 19th K4LRG Field Day Committee was held at the Purcellville Library Wednesday, April 4, 2012, starting at 7 PM. Thirteen members were present.
Gary started the meeting with a short presentation that he put together for the members to contemplate our past performance and what the goals are for the 2012 LARG Field Day.
The first order of business was to determine where we would have our Field Day exercise for 2012. Gary brought up the idea that several members had suggested that we go to Morven Park this year. A motion was made to not go to Morven Park and a good discussion followed with the pros and cons of going to Morven Park this year for Field Day. The motion was carried 11 yea to 2 no. Gary Quinn then indicated that he would set up a meeting with Judy to survey Morven Park as a possible site next year. He would ask Jay Ives and Chris Painter to go with him on the survey.
There was then a discussions and vote on whether to stay in the category of 5A for this Field Day. The vote was 12 yea to 1 no to stay in the 5A category.
The meeting was then spent gong over the Organization Table for this year's Field Day effort. A number of members at the meeting volunteered to fill empty positions. Please refer to the 2012 Organization Chart at:
Please contact me if you would like to fill one of the empty slots.
Discussions around the GOTA station and how to improve this years effort ensued during the organization table discussion. One item was the getting youth to come to our Field Day site and there was mention that Bob Rodrigues may be a good contact for the Blue Ridge Middle school (Apparently there is a radio club at Blue Ridge) and the boy scouts. Concern was expressed that Rick Miller would not be here to merge all of the logs after Field Day is over. I let the members at the meeting know that John Westerman and Rick were to get together and Rick was going to let him know the procedure of how to merge the logs. Discussion also concerning signing up members for two hour operating blocks this year ended with John Unger volunteering to do the log sign up process. There was also discussion regarding relief operators and how well that worked last year and if we could we would do it again this year.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:54 Pm for the closing of the Library.
I am in the process of setting up the next meeting which will be at John Westerman's home so that we can discuss logistics and station equipment and antennas. The group requested a Saturday morning meeting.
If you read the organization chart above below there are individuals who were not at the meeting who were volunteered for positions. Please let me know if you cannot fill that slot. Especially Randy, W4XJ, Chris, W3CUM, Dennis, kF4TJI, and Merc, N4TGA.
73 NC4S, Gary
Field Day Chairman |