Following the smallest LARG meeting I can remember on Saturday, May 15, 2010, LARG's smallest fox hunt commenced. There were only two hunters, Denny, KF4TJI and Doug, KJ4BRN. We decided to ride together. Doug moved his equipment to my truck. I set my radio to the fox's frequency, 145.560, and we were off.
We headed west on Rt.7 listening as we went. When we got to Rt. 601, I went south a ways. Doug was curious about the location of the Bluemont repeater, so I drove past it. Then I headed north on 601. No hint of a fox anywhere. Since I did not want to end up in West Virginia, I called Tom, WB3AKD, to check with him. This was supposed to be the easy fox. While talking to Tom, I realized the fox frequency was 145.650, not 145.560! Tom suggested we head back toward Leesburg.
Just east of the Hamilton exit, Rt. 704, we got a strong signal from the fox, but had to go to Rt. 9 to exit. If I had put the right frequency in, we would have found the fox much sooner! We drove back on old Rt. 7 and stopped to get bearings just north of Hamilton. The bearings pointed about 30 degrees. Within three blocks the signal disappeared. We drove a loop north and west of Hamilton without hearing the fox. Then we decided to try the road which parallels Rt. 7 just north of it. There we got a strong signal. We drove back to Rt. 704 and parked near the W&OD. We had no signal from that location. Doug headed west and I headed east on the W&OD. After walking over a quarter mile, I got a faint signal. When it improved a bit, I called Doug on the balloon frequency to tell him I had a signal. He had already started heading my way.
The signal continued gaining strength as I walked. I was getting close as Doug joined me and we located the fox in a tree just off the trail. In an earlier discussion with Tom, we decided to only find the easy fox.