Reston Century Photographs
By Peter Klosky
Reston Century Official Photographer
Saturday, August 29, 2009 7:22 AM
To Norm Styer
From Peter Klosky ( [email protected] )
Subject: Permission To Use Reston Century 2009 Photographs
Thanks much for the communications service LARG provides for the Reston Century bicycle ride. Please feel free to provide a link on your site to a full set of photos of the event at and/or
download any individual photos for use on the LARG website. The Hamilton, Ashburn, Start/Finish and Bike-1 station personnel are all depicted, as is the interesting GPS position recognition (APRS) capability you demonstrated. Your reports from past years on the website have been detailed and informative, and I'm looking forward to viewing any further updates to your 2009 Reston Century page you may publish.
Peter Klosky,
Restin Century Official Photographer