The Loudoun Amateur Radio Group Of Northern Virginia & Its Radio Station K4LRG

| Introduction To K4LRG - LARG 2009 Field Day Operations | K4LRG FD CMTE Chairman's Message |
| ARRL FD Package | Organizing | Route 601 Survey | WB5ODJ's Site | Organization Chart | Computer Staging | Equipment Schedule |
| Friday Night Set-Up | 24-Hour Support | Scout - Youth Participation | Press Release - Coverage |
| Operator's Schedules | Field Day Roster |
| Tour of K4LRG | Station # 1 | Station # 2 | Station # 3 | Station # 4 | Station # 5 | VHF - UHF Station | GOTA Station |
| Special Training Event | Claimed Score | Rates | 8-Years 5A Review | Recognition |

      They say an Army moves on its belly and it is the same for K4LRG and the Loudoun Amateur Radio Group. The Captains listed above may have not operated but they welcomed visitors, they brief Scouts and guests, helped set up antennas and stations, they sheltered us, they brought us water, they set dinner, they fed us, they had emergency plans and first aid, they cared for us, they brought us breakfast. Many thanks for everything. We continued to roll on with your support.

Carol Boehler - KF4TJJ and Jay Greeley - KI4UTB Prepare Friday Night Meal

Jay - KI4UTB Operates The Visitors Center & Sign-In Station

Jay - KI4UTB and Jeff - KE5APC Talk Over Support Operations

John Westerman - WB5ODJ Checks Wireless Network Operations
All 5 main and the two extra stations were wired together into N1MM Logging Program

Jay - KI4UTB and Marcia - KJ4GYH At The Sign-In Point

Merc Skaggs - N4TGA Post Direction Signs For The Site

The Special Public Information Display Designed and Constructed By Suzanne Grobbel
This attracted a lot attention

The Scouts Provided Orientation and Guide Services For Our Visitors
Many Thanks To Jay - KI4UTB Setting Up This Special Eagle Scout Project

The Tent, General Purpose, Medium Provided and Erected By Members of A Co.,
33rd  Battalion, Black Horse Brigade, Virginia Defense Force

About Us | Site Map | Contact Us | Established 13 September 1999, Copyright 1999-2009, All Rights Reserved by Loudoun Amateur Radio Group. See Credits Published In Announcements Section. Internet Hosting Provided As A Public Service By  MicroNeil Research Corporation