The Loudoun Amateur Radio Group Of Northern Virginia & Its Radio Station K4LRG

| Introduction To K4LRG - LARG 2009 Field Day Operations | K4LRG FD CMTE Chairman's Message |
| ARRL FD Package | Organizing | Route 601 Survey | WB5ODJ's Site | Organization Chart | Computer Staging | Equipment Schedule |
| Friday Night Set-Up | 24-Hour Support | Scout - Youth Participation | Press Release - Coverage |
| Operator's Schedules | Field Day Roster |
| Tour of K4LRG | Station # 1 | Station # 2 | Station # 3 | Station # 4 | Station # 5 | VHF - UHF Station | GOTA Station |
| Special Training Event | Claimed Score | Rates | 8-Years 5A Review | Recognition |

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About Us | Site Map | Contact Us | Established 13 September 1999, Copyright 1999-2009, All Rights Reserved by Loudoun Amateur Radio Group. See Credits Published In Announcements Section. Internet Hosting Provided As A Public Service By  MicroNeil Research Corporation