The Loudoun Amateur Radio Group Of Northern Virginia & Its Radio Station K4LRG

| Introduction To K4LRG - LARG 2009 Field Day Operations | K4LRG FD CMTE Chairman's Message |
| ARRL FD Package | Organizing | Route 601 Survey | WB5ODJ's Site | Organization Chart | Computer Staging | Equipment Schedule |
| Friday Night Set-Up | 24-Hour Support | Scout - Youth Participation | Press Release - Coverage |
| Operator's Schedules | Field Day Roster |
| Tour of K4LRG | Station # 1 | Station # 2 | Station # 3 | Station # 4 | Station # 5 | VHF - UHF Station | GOTA Station |
| Special Training Event | Claimed Score | Rates | 8-Years 5A Review | Recognition |

Bill - K8SYH At The Control
And, A Neighboring Ham Copying Alone

     Bill Buchholz - K8SYH and Bob Kemner - K4RWK teamed up to captain Station #3 on 40-Meters CW. As you can see above, Bob is still learning the code and doing it from a fine business operator. This station was well equipped with a nice Kenwood Transceiver, a WinKey, a Bird Wattmeter, and the N1MM computer logging program. John Unger - W4AU's 40-Meter Delta Loop Antenna was use as in the past operations on 40-Meters. John provided some written instructions so it would go up the first time.

Bill Put A Lot Of QSOs In The Log
The First Two Hours Were The Best - It Always Is On 40-Meters.

Bob Is Still Working On It
Our Hats Are Off To Him !!!

The Rates At Station #3   Station #3 was single band 40-CW. The first 2 hours, the 0200Z, 0300Z, and 1400Z hours were the best. Something happen at the 0100Z hour? And, guess 40 was worked out by the last two hours and the 1-2-3A guys went to 20-Meters CW to finish the exercise. Station #3 finished with 513 good QSOs which is well below the station's 8-year average of 728. And, it is 400-plus below it's best of 927 recorded in 2008. So, what happen? You notice all those WinKeys? They work nice with the N1MM Logging Program.

       Five operators tried their hand on Station #3.  Bill - K8SYH anchored the station with 365 QSOs. It was nice to see Paul -K4MSG take the late midnight shift with 64 QSOs. And, Randy - W4XJ did a fine job with 83 QSOs. We need more CW operators. Mike - WØYR was logged on as an operator but didn't record a QSO. Hummm? And, we hope Bob - K4RWK is well on his way. Bob, see you next year at the controls.

A 8-Year Performance Perspective of Station #3: 

The Antennas   Station #3 has used John's 40-Meter Delta Loop Antenna for many years. It seems to work very well and we would only replace it if we could come up with a big 70+ foot tower and a full size 2-element yagi. Anyone have some sources? The beauty of this simple antenna is one support, feed 1/4-wave down on one side and produces some nice low angle radiation. This is hard to beat for a Field Day operation.

The W4AU 40-Meter Delta Loop
This Antenna Always Works

OK, What did John say to do next ?
Paul - N4PD, Bill - K8SYH and Chris - KJ4BRX

No, It Say It Goes This Way !
Bill - K8SYH, Chris - KJ4BRV and Paul - N4PD

Chris - KJ4BRX - Just A Few More
Paul - N4PD, Chris - KJ4BRX, Doug - KJ4BRN, and Luther - K5NOB

Grant Russell - KB3EMT Takes A Turn On The Sledge

Adding The Finishing Touches On Friday Night
Paul - N4PD, Bill - K8SYH, Bob - K4RWK, Doug - KJ4BRN, Chris - KJ4BRX, Luther - K5NOB

The Old Morse Operator And His Radio
May we soon add more of our members to the Morse Roll

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