The Loudoun Amateur Radio Group Of Northern Virginia & Its Radio Station K4LRG

| Introduction To K4LRG - LARG 2009 Field Day Operations | K4LRG FD CMTE Chairman's Message |
| ARRL FD Package | Organizing | Route 601 Survey | WB5ODJ's Site | Organization Chart | Computer Staging | Equipment Schedule |
| Friday Night Set-Up | 24-Hour Support | Scout - Youth Participation | Press Release - Coverage |
| Operator's Schedules | Field Day Roster |
| Tour of K4LRG | Station # 1 | Station # 2 | Station # 3 | Station # 4 | Station # 5 | VHF - UHF Station | GOTA Station |
| Special Training Event | Claimed Score | Rates | 8-Years 5A Review | Recognition |

Patrick Brown - KJ4GYI
Put The GOTA Station Through Its Paces

Andrew Grichtmeier and Gene May - WB8WKU
On 15-Meters Fone

     Dodson Brown - AJ4EY and Chris Souhrada - KJ4BRV teamed up to captain and coach the Get-On-The-Air Station. Operations were on 15-Meters Fone. Jeff Slusher - KE5APC provided the laptop computer, keyboard, and N1MM Logging Program. The LARG's Kenwood TS-440 HF Transceiver was put into service. The LARG's 3-Element Hy-Gain Yagi on a AB-577 Tower worked great. This station worked fine and a lot of young operators got a chance to log their first one. This was a nice surprise for all of us. Thanks to Dodson and all who pulled this off.

GOTA Power With Solar Panel Charger
Nicely done by Dodson

Coaching: Dodson Brown - AJ4EY
Operating: Gene May - WB8WKU and

Operating (L-R): Andrew Grichtmeier and Gene May - WB8WKU

The Rates At The GOTA Station   The GOTA Station equaled Station #1's count on 15-Meters CW. This is a nice job. They stayed in the chair and many new operators got a chance to experience HF operations. The GOTA Station finished with 100 QSOs. That's 39 above the 3-year average and 37 above 2008's 63 count.

   Eleven operators had an opportunity to operate on HF on 15-Meters Phone. Patrick - KJ4GYI was super with 23 and 18 hourly rates on Sunday morning. 15-Meters really didn't open well this so this is a special performance. Thanks.

A 8-Year Performance Perspective of the GOTA Station: 

The Antennas   The GOTA Station's antenna system was outstanding. From the rates when the band was open, it is clear that this one talked. 3-Elements at 50-feet on 15-Meters is special. Many helped put this together. This served as part of our Special Technical Training Bonus Points Program held by Rick - KR9D. Thanks..

GOTA Station's 3-Elements at 50-Feet
LARG's 3-Element Hy-Gain Model 153 Yagi and AB-577 Tower

Some More Training For The New Guys - This Can Be Dangerous
Rick - KR9D (Instructor), Gary - NC4S, Jeff - KE5APC, Rick - AI1V, Dave - KE4S,
Jay - KI4TXP, Chris - KJ4BRX, Luther - K5NOB, Art - KD4CSO, Nick Brown, Dodson - AJ4EY

Laying In The Guy Stakes
Bill - K8SYH, Luther - K5NOB, Rick - KR9D, Dodson - AJ4EY, Rick - AI1V, Nick Brown,
Art - KD4CSO, Chris - KJ4BRX, Jay - KI4TXP, and Jeff - KE5APC

Setting The Crank
Dodson - AJ4EY, Dave - KE4S, Art - KD4CSO, Luther - K5NOB, Rick - KR9D, Gary - NC4S, and Rick - AI1V

The 15-Meter 3-Element Yagi Antenna
Luther - K5NOB, Rick - AI1V, Nick Brown, Art - KD4CSO, Rick - KR9D, Jay - KI4TXP, Chris - KJ4BRX, and Dodson - AJ4EY

Mounting The 15-Meter 3-Element Yagi Antenna
Rick - AI1V and Rick - KR9D

That Should Do It
Dodson - AJ4EY, Rick - AI1V, Rick - KR9D, Art - KD4CSO, and Chris - KT9N

OK - Put Her Up
Chris - KT9N, Rick - AI1V, Jay - KI4TXP, Dave - KE4S, and Dodson - AJ4EY

GOTA Coach: Dodson Brown - AJ4EY Preps For The Operation
Nicely done with surprising number of QSOs on 15-Meters Fone. Thanks.
We hope to see these new operators on some of our other stations next year.

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