The Loudoun Amateur Radio Group Of Northern Virginia & Its Radio Station K4LRG

| Introduction To K4LRG - LARG 2009 Field Day Operations | K4LRG FD CMTE Chairman's Message |
| ARRL FD Package | Organizing | Route 601 Survey | WB5ODJ's Site | Organization Chart | Computer Staging | Equipment Schedule |
| Friday Night Set-Up | 24-Hour Support | Scout - Youth Participation | Press Release - Coverage |
| Operator's Schedules | Field Day Roster |
| Tour of K4LRG | Station # 1 | Station # 2 | Station # 3 | Station # 4 | Station # 5 | VHF - UHF Station | GOTA Station |
| Special Training Event | Claimed Score | Rates | 8-Years 5A Review | Recognition |

     Again this year, Rick Miller - AI1V and Jay Ives - KI4TXP teamed up as captain Station #2 on 40-Meters Fone and on 75-Meter Fone. And, like last year, they used the same fine equipment and antennas. Rick's Elecraft K3 Transceiver did a fine job. The antennas were separate dipoles tuned for the Fone segments and supported by a single high center support and trees in the area. The N1MM Logging Program was used with great success.

A Great Site
Bugs And All!!!

Jay - KI4TXP At The Controls
61 QSOs In The First Hour

N1MM Is Easy To Use

Dave Putman - KE4S and Chris Fristad - KT9N
Dueling Operators?  No, Operator & Logger

Can You Top This Site?

The Rates At Station #2   Station #2 started on 40-Meters Phone with a nice 60-hourly rate. There was a nice 60 hour on 75-Phone and Jeff - KE5APC set the site-wide high hourly rate with 86 at 1300Z on Sunday. In summary, Station #2 had 270 QSOs on 75-Phone and 620 on 40-Phone for a total of 890 good QSOs. This is 200 less than the 1091 QSOs in 2008 but well above the 8-year average of 546 for Station #2 Station #2's 2009 count was the best of all stations for the second year in a row.

      Eight operators tried their hand on Station #2. Jay - KI4TXP and Jeff - KE5APC had the best hourly rate. It seems a little strange that 75-Phone wasn't better very early on Sunday. But 40M is always nice on Sunday just like the first two hours on Saturday.

A 8-Year Performance Perspective of Station #2: 

The Antennas   Station #2 operated with a pair of full size 75 and 40-Meters dipole antenna fed with separate coax cables. The center support was about 30-feet high and the ends supported by more distant trees.

Installing Antennas on Center Support
Chester - WA9LAZ, Rick - AI1V, Denny - KF4TJI, and Gene - WB8WKU

Stringing Them Up
Denny - KF4TJI, Paul - N4PD, Jeff - KE5APC, John - WB5ODJ, Gary - NC4S

Chester Kmak - WA9LAZ

Rolls Out The Coax Cable

Almost There On Friday Night
Gary - NC4S, Chester - WA9LAZ, John - WB5ODJ, Rick - AI1V, Gene - WB8WKU, Jeff - KE5APC, and Denny - KF4TJI

The Lovely Porch Of The Westerman's Farmhouse
Chris - KT9N and Dave - KE4S's Operation Draws A Big Crowd

          We all appreciate those who helped install and operate this very fine fone station. Hope you all can do it again next year.

About Us | Site Map | Contact Us | Established 13 September 1999, Copyright 1999-2009, All Rights Reserved by Loudoun Amateur Radio Group. See Credits Published In Announcements Section. Internet Hosting Provided As A Public Service By  MicroNeil Research Corporation