The Loudoun Amateur Radio Group Of Northern Virginia & Its Radio Station K4LRG

| Introduction To K4LRG - LARG 2009 Field Day Operations | K4LRG FD CMTE Chairman's Message |
| ARRL FD Package | Organizing | Route 601 Survey | WB5ODJ's Site | Organization Chart | Computer Staging | Equipment Schedule |
| Friday Night Set-Up | 24-Hour Support | Scout - Youth Participation | Press Release - Coverage |
| Operator's Schedules | Field Day Roster |
| Tour of K4LRG | Station # 1 | Station # 2 | Station # 3 | Station # 4 | Station # 5 | VHF - UHF Station | GOTA Station |
| Special Training Event | Claimed Score | Rates | 8-Years 5A Review | Recognition |
On the occasion of the Loudoun Amateur Radio Group's August 2009 Monthly Meeting, Jeff Slusher, KE5APC, Chairman of the 2009 LARG K4LRG Field Day Committee, recognized the following members, families and friends for their outstanding support and performance for a very successful 2009 K4LRG Field Day Operation. Photograph by Norm Styer - AI2C de Clarkes Gap, Virginia.

(L-R)  Dodson Brown - AJ4EY, Doug Johnson - KJ4BRN, Norm Styer - AI2C, Bill Buchholz - K8SYH, Rick Denney - KR9D,
Paul Dluehosh - N4PD Jay Greeley - KI4UTB, Jay Ives - KI4TXP and Rick Miller - AI1V

     On the occasion of the Loudoun Amateur Radio Group's August 2009 Monthly Meeting, Jeff Slusher, KE5APC, Chairman of the 2009 LARG K4LRG Field Day Committee, recognized the following members, families and friends for their outstanding support and performance for a very successful 2009 K4LRG Field Day Operation.


Doug Johnson, KJ4BRN, Significant contributions in the assembly of shelter and antennas for Station 1

Erik Werner, KD5CTJ, For Message-Traffic Management & Coordination with National Traffic System

Paul H. Bock, K4MSG, Significant contributions while serving as a key operator at the 40 Meter CW station. Paul worked the “midnight shift” logging a sizeable number of contacts while many of us slept. Those contacts contributed substantially to the club’s success.

Randy Sly, W4XJ, For developing and implementing an outstanding public relations campaign resulting in press coverage for the Loudoun Amateur Radio Group in Leesburg Today, the Loudoun Times-Mirror and the on-line edition of the Washington Post. Randy also managed invitations issued to all of our local, State and Federal elected officials.

Gary Quinn, NC4S, Significant contributions in the assembly of radio and computer equipment for Station 1 in addition to achieving scores putting him near the top of all CW operators. Gary’s hard work and dedication contributed substantially to the club’s success during the ARRL 2009 Field Day Exercise.


Andrew Allen, Youth Coordinator, BSA Troop 663 is recognized For doing an outstanding job of managing youth participation, a “first time” event for the Loudoun Amateur Radio Group, at the annual Field Day Exercise. He has set the standard high for those that will follow him in the future.

Patrick T Brown, KJ4GYI, For his outstanding work as the Top GOTA Operator (and 8th top SSB operator overall) during the 2009 Field Day Exercise. Patrick also deserves credit for coaching other youth operators while developing considerable operating skills himself.

Rick Denney, KR9D, For his management and operation as 20 Meter phone Station Captain. Despite difficult band conditions, the 20 Meter station logged 338 contacts during Field Day and contributed significantly to the club’s success. Rick is also recognized for managing the installation and tear-down of two AB-577/GRC towers. This operation doubled as the club’s training exercise with over 20 members gaining experience on setting up these systems. His hard work, skill, and dedication resulted in a successful operation for the Loudoun Amateur Radio Group.

Paul Dluehosh, N4PD, As TOP OPERATOR (overall) and Top CW operator (383 Q’s). Paul also served as Captain of the 20M CW station. His work, skill, and dedication resulted in a successful operation for the Loudoun Amateur Radio Group.

Bill Buchholz K8SYH, Stepped up at the last minute to take over the 40 CW station. Aside from his management of the station, he is recognized as the TOP 40M CW OPERATOR and 2nd high operator overall with 365 QSO’s. Bill also supported the club by copying the ARRL CW message for which the club earned an additional 100 points. His work, skill, and dedication resulted in a successful operation for the Loudoun Amateur Radio Group.

Norm Styer, AI2C, Is recognized For his outstanding work as Station Captain and for the management, setup, and deployment of an outstanding deployable station. He ranked near the top in overall QSO’s and spent countless hours before, during and after Field Day managing a diversity of jobs from operations to web site management. Norm Styer is at the center of the success of the Loudoun Amateur Radio Group.

Rick Miller, AI1V, For his many contributions in making the 2009 ARRL Field a success for the Loudoun Amateur Radio Group. He planned, managed, and administered a new concept for the club – logging our contacts using N1MM logging software. In addition, he consolidated the collected data, preparing it for submission to ARRL as part of the club’s official submission and co-captained a highly successful 40 meter phone station, achieving the distinction of 2nd high SSB operator, despite all of his other technical and management duties during the event.

Marcia Brown, KJ4GYH, For exceptional volunteer service during the 2009 Field Day Exercise. She enthusiastically ‘pitched in’ in a variety of areas including station set-up, food support, site management and many others. She was “on-site” for incredibly long hours throughout the operation. There was no task too large or small for her to tackle. The club’s success is due to a large degree to her dedication and spirit.

John Westerman, WB5ODJ, For his strong support for many aspects of Field Day – ranging from assisting in antenna installations, setting up a wireless network which the club used the logging, and putting close to 100 miles on his ‘Gator’ hauling parts from one end of his farm to the other over a three day period. The club’s successful operation is directly attributable to his personal support.

Jay Ives, KI4TXP, As the TOP SSB OPERATOR (266 Q’s) for the 2009 Club Field Day Exercise. In addition, Jay co-captained the 40 Meter phone station and supported multiple antenna setups for other stations as well. Jay served as overall Club Co-Captain for Field Day and demonstrated a strong work ethic and positive attitude from the early planning in February 2009, through the completion of the paperwork in July. His spirit and dedication resulted in a successful operation for the Loudoun Amateur Radio Group.

Dodson Brown, AJ4EY, For outstanding planning and management of the “GET ON THE AIR” STATION.” As a result of his work, the club received the maximum number of points for operating a GOTA Station during the 2009 Field Day Exercise. More importantly, a number of new hams advanced their operating skills as a result of his work and he introduced – with enthusiasm -- many new young people to the hobby.


The Dodson Brown Family For their dedicated service to the Loudoun Amateur Radio Group during the 2009 ARRL Field Day Exercise. Each member of the family touched every part of Field Day from early planning, set-up, operations, food and administrative management, youth operations and antenna work. Both their individual and family contributions as a whole resulted in the club’s success during Field Day 2009.

John Westerman Family In recognition for the generosity of the entire Westerman family for allowing 75 perfect strangers to come onto your property over a three day period and make each of us feel at home!


Jay Greeley, KI4UTB, For stepping up at the last minute to manage three days worth of food service including Sunday breakfast and four additional meals. He personally spear-headed Boy Scout participation, held down the ‘Operations center”, coordinated with the Virginia Defense Force, provided ‘served agency’ coverage, and performed many other tasks with enthusiasm. His dedication and spirit during the 2009 ARRL Field Day Exercise stands out among all others in the Loudoun Amateur Radio Group.


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