ARRL 2007 Field Day Logo. Used here in accordance with ARRL published policy. See : 'These logos (two versions of each offered below) may be used in club newsletters, flyers, or on club Web sites. Permission is required for any other use. To request permission to reproduce this work, send your name and contact information, along with a brief description of the intended use, to: ARRL Editorial and Production Manager, 225 Main St, Newington, CT 06111; e-mail'

K4LRG 2007 ARRL Field Day
Another Fine Business Operation By The

Loudoun Amateur Radio Group
de Loudoun County,  Northern Virginia

LARG Members - AMRAD Members - Guests - Vistoring Students

Jim Banks - WØMAZ
Alex Benitez - WX3Q
Dennis Boehler - KF4THI
Buddy Brewer - K4CJB
Bill Buchholz - K8SYH
Tom Carney - WB9RXJ
Jeff Cradford - KØZR
Tom Dawson - WB3AKD
Karla Denney
Rick Denney - KR9D
Nancy Dluehosh - KE4RTP
Paul Dluehosh - N4PD
Woody Ebersold - KCØTHS
Joe Faber - N4CX
Chris Fristad - KT9N
Janice Fristad
Tom Garasic - NA4MA
Frank Gentges - KØBRA
Meg Gentges - AI4UX
Jay Greeley - KI4UTB
Susanne Grobbell
Jake Guepe - KI4SPX
Larry Hughes - K3HE
Mark Johnson - W3ZI
Art Laurent - KD4CSO
Bill McCourt - WF1L
David Mullins - K4ARP
Charlie Nelson - KG4KZY

Charlie Preston - K4LJH
Mary Preston
David Putman - KE4S
Gary Quinn - NC4S
Kurt Reber - KI4FWB
Steve Reed - WB4EZM
Grant Russell - KB3EMT
Mercel Skaggs - N4TGA
Jeff Slusher - KE5APC
Patti Slusher
Randy Sly - W4XJ
Norm Styer - AI2C
John Unger - W4AU
Henry Weidman - K2BFY
John Westerman - WB5ODJ

Paul Mooney - K4KRE
Elton Sanders - WB5MMB

Anna Benitez
Thomas Benitez
Bobbie Covert
Doug Covert
Andre Kettell
Jason Kettell
Justin Kettell
Kevin Kettell
Melody Kettell
Nathan Kettell
Stephanie Kettell
Al Kruml
Helen Kruml
Carla Reed
David Reed
Mason Russell

Barney Brown
David Key
Gabe Marcus - AJ4AD
Lisa Marvil
Mike Prompontch

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Org Chart Score


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This report is written, edited and posted to the Loudoun Amateur Radio Group's K4LRG.ORG Internet Site by Norm Styer - AI2C of Clarkes Gap, Virginia. For photographic credit place your cursor over a photograph. Non-profit use of this material is granted if the Loudoun Amateur Radio Group of Northern Virginia, its internet writers, photographers and publishers are credited. Best regards, Norm Styer - AI2C.