ARRL 2007 Field Day Logo. Used here in accordance with ARRL published policy. See : 'These logos (two versions of each offered below) may be used in club newsletters, flyers, or on club Web sites. Permission is required for any other use. To request permission to reproduce this work, send your name and contact information, along with a brief description of the intended use, to: ARRL Editorial and Production Manager, 225 Main St, Newington, CT 06111; e-mail'

K4LRG 2007 ARRL Field Day
Another Fine Business Operation By The

Loudoun Amateur Radio Group
de Loudoun County,  Northern Virginia

--- All THE NUMBERS ---

Can You Find Yours NUMBERS ?





The CW vs Fone Battle





Dancin' With Charlie Whiskey


How About A Little Fone








Chart Chart

CW vs Fone Operations On Each Band










Chart Chart

The Low vs High Band Battle




     So, how well did your station perform. These charts count partial and full hours times. So, if you made one contact at 5-minutes past the hour then the 'whole' hour got counted. Yes, maybe a little unfair but the numbers come out pretty good in the 'wash.' Stations #1 and #2 get looked at for their several different band operations. The first chart is their average hourly QSO rate. The second chart, shows their time on each band-mode. The key here is to know where and when to operate. Dead bands or dead stations don't help!



Contributions To The Final Score
     Our final score is based on one point for a Fone and two points for a CW QSOs. This is further increased by a multiplier of two for operating at 150 watts or less. So, the ranking are Station #3, Station #1 followed by Station #5. All are dedicated to CW.



Chart Chart
Check Yourself - Can we improve ?
     Don't stop now. The checks below first appeared in our 2006 Field Day report. It's repeated here for those who thought they struggled and for the regulars who need reminding. I hope this helps.

Can you find when and where you operated?
How did you do?
Did you do better then last time?
Did you 'hear' better this year?
Did they 'hear' you better this year?
Did you know what call areas you should be working?
Can you tune in a sideband signal very quickly?
Did you ever think you were off frequency?
Was your receiver sharp enough?
Did your voice crack the pile-ups?
Did you work them on no more than two calls?
Did you move on quickly to the next one?
Did you listened to your own voice?
Did you taylor you voice input?
Did you use a foot switch?
Did you first S&P on a new band?
Did you run TR Log in the S&P mode?
Did you work one or more a minute on a "hot" band?
Did you copy the full call the first time?
Did you move on quickly if they did not respond?
Were you aware of your rates?
Can you find a "hole?"
Can you 'hold' a frequency?

Did you copy the full call the first time?
How long did you keep trying to work a weak calling station?
Did your receiver over load?
Did you turn down your RF gain?
Did or can you adjust your IF gain?
Were your filters tight enough?
Did you use headphones?
Did you follow the prop?
Were you there when the band was open?
Did you change bands when it went dead?
What did you do when folks didn't hear you?
Did you know when to "fold them?"
Was your antenna high enough?
Was your antenna oriented correctly?
Did you have a "flat" transmission line?
Did all your power get radiated?
Did  you monitor your ALC?
Did you monitor your SWR?
Did you know when to change batteries?
Did you have a gain antenna?
Did you point your antenna into the region?
Can you copy CW at 25 WPM?
Did you "stay in the chair?"

My final challenge on this stuff is that Station Captains should take a long look at their operation, talk to each other and come up with a few new gimmicks to get to 30 per hour.

Best Regards, Norm Styer - AI2C

        A Site Guide for The LARG - K4LRG Field Day 2007 Report        Back To Front Page
Op Schedule
Org Chart Score


Friday Night Sep Up Station # 1
Station # 2 Station # 3 Station # 4 Station # 5 VHF - UHF Station SATCOM Station
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This report is written, edited and posted to the Loudoun Amateur Radio Group's K4LRG.ORG Internet Site by Norm Styer - AI2C of Clarkes Gap, Virginia. For photographic credit place your cursor over a photograph. Non-profit use of this material is granted if the Loudoun Amateur Radio Group of Northern Virginia, its internet writers, photographers and publishers are credited. Best regards, Norm Styer - AI2C.