ARRL Filed Day 2006 Logo de ARRL Internet Site

The Loudoun Amateur Radio Group
de Loudoun County,  Northern Virginia
K 4 L R G   -  5A VA
Satellite Communications

2006 LARG - K4LRG ARRL Field Day - July 2006. Photograph by Norm Styer - AI2C de Clarkes Gap, Virginia.

Tom Dawson - WB3AKD

Captain, SATCOM Station

Tom Dawson arrived late on Saturday morning with a very impressive big rig equipped to work the world on Amateur Communication Satellites. His shelters proved very useful for the weather we were about to encounter.  The two S-141 shelters provide both good operating positions and over-night quarters. A 10-KW gasoline generator on the F-350 powered everything including the air conditioning units.

Photographed by Denny Boehler - KF4TJI of Leesburg, Virginia.

2006 LARG - K4LRG ARRL Field Day - July 2006. Photograph by Norm Styer - AI2C de Clarkes Gap, Virginia.

The SATCOM System By Tom Dawson - WB3AKD de Round Hill

2006 LARG - K4LRG ARRL Field Day - July 2006. Photograph by Norm Styer - AI2C de Clarkes Gap, Virginia.

2-Meter & 440 MHz Antennas

Were remotely controlled in both azimuth and elevation

2006 LARG - K4LRG ARRL Field Day - July 2006. Photograph by Norm Styer - AI2C de Clarkes Gap, Virginia.

Just Firin' It Up After The Storm Blew Over!!!

Tom Dawson - WB3AKD, Chester Kmak - WA9LAZ and Glenn Baumgartner, K0ESA de AMRAD

2006 LARG - K4LRG ARRL Field Day - July 2006. Photograph by Denny Boehler - KF4TJI of Leesburg, Virginia.

A Rainy Saturday Afternoon

Photographed by Denny B oehler - KF4TJI of Leesburg, Virginia.

Tom Tunes The Downlink Receiver As He Calls For A Contact

The computer tracking program shows we are well into this satellite coverage.

Tom reported that some technical cliches in the prediction program prevented
optimum pointing and timing and thus we were out gunned this year.
Maybe next year we'll get those extra 100 points.

        A Site Guide for The LARG - K4LRG Field Day 2006 Report     -     Back To Front Page

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Station # 4

Station # 5

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