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The Loudoun Amateur Radio Group
Operating From Banshee Reeks Nature Preserve, Loudoun County, Virginia
K4LRG's FD-2005 Station # 3 W4AU - John Unger Captain
40M CW


John Unger - W4AU at his super 40M CW Station. Photograph by Denny Boehler - KF4TJI of Leesburg, VA.

        Station #3 was John Unger's Ten-Tec Ommi VI HF Transceiver, an antenna tuner, a Laptop Computer running TR Log and his 40M delta loop fed with coax cable. Twelve-volt deep-cycle batteries powered the radio and computer. John says, "I had help from Mike - WØYR and Gabe - KF4YBW to put up the telescoping mast and delta loop antenna. Denny - KF4TJI loaned the station a deep-cycle battery to make sure that we made it through the night without any problems. And, Charlie - K4LJH contributed his home-brew band-pass filters for the 40-meter and 20-meter CW stations, which help reduce interference between the two nearby locations.

        This station operated on 40-Meters CW only. Forty is the premier band for domestic contests and communications. It's open all the time. It's fun working 40M. There were six 50+ QSOs hourly rates logged and several 40+ ones.

        As always, you can count on a great count from this station. The numbers are 'best ever' this year:  860 QSO and  1720 contact points. A very nice job by everyone who helped on 40M Charlie Whiskey.

The Hourly Rate Chart for Station #3. Prepared from N4PD's TR log data by Norm Styer - AI2C of Clarkes Gap, VA.

The Running Rate Total Chart for Station #3. Prepared from N4PD's TR log data by Norm Styer - AI2C of Clarkes Gap, VA.


Tom Garasic - NA4MA of Haymerket on 40M CW. Photograph by Denny Boehler - KF4TJI of Leesburg, VA.

Tom Garasic - NA4MA of Haymarket says he found his spot: Early morning sunrise on 40-Meters.

John Unger - W4AU of Hamilton on 40M CW. Photograph by Denny Boehler - KF4TJI of Leesburg, VA.


John Unger - W4AU
Of Hamilton, Virginia

John Reports The Station Had Some
Real 50+ Hourly Rates And The TR 10-Minute Rate Meter Was Over 100 Many Times

Nice Job !!!


     Paul Dluehosh - N4PD on 40M CW. Photograph by Norm Styer - AI2C of Clarkes Gap, VA.

Paul Dluehosh - N4PD of Leesburg Holds Forth During The Night on 40M Charlie Whiskey.

        A Site Guide for The LARG - K4LRG Field Day 2005 Report

Op Schedule

Org Chart



Friday Nite Set Up

Station # 1

Station # 2

Station # 3

Station # 4

Station # 5

VHF - UHF Opns

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