The Loudoun Amateur Radio Group
K4LRG Field Day Roster

Operators, Cooks, Support Personnel, Equipment Providers, Students, and Trainees

Fred Atkinson WB4AEJ Angi Garasic KG4AVR Flo Oliphant
Jim Banks WoMAZ Tom Garasic NA4MA Mary Oliphant KF4UUY
Andrea Beck Mark Gil lam N3GMW Ruth Oliphant
Bob Bee W4POF Dale Harrison KG4OTI Shadow Oliphant Bark-Bark
Julie Belindo KG4RKI John Hawley N2PBY Dean Parker K4MEL
Carol Boehler KF4TJJ Ray Houff K4AJA Charlie Preston K4LJH
Dennis Boehler KF4TJI Larry Hughes KG4CGR Mary Preston
Gloria Borgrink KE4JEH Bob Kennedy KG4QXF Dave Putman KG4KZZ
Buddy Brewer K4CJB Chester Kmak WA9LAZ Gary Quinn NC4S
Sharon Brewer Joyce McCaig KG4SHO John Rehwinkel KG4L
Bettianne Parmer Buchholz Larry McCaig KC1YC Don Reid KG4RJH
Bill Buchholz K8SYH Bill McCourt WF1L Joe Sheinman W2BHK
Tom Carney WB9RXJ Paulson McIntyre KG4TIH Austin Styer
Jacob Dawson KF4VLQ Jennifer More Kay Styer KA2IJU
Tom Dawson WB3AKD Charlie Nelson KG4KZY Norm Styer AI2C
Nancy Dluehosh KE4RTP Don Nicolson KC1AT Hilary Unger KG4RDI
Paul Dluehosh N4PD Bob Oliphant KF4VBM John Unger W4AU
Joe Faber . .


Set Up


Score   Rates

Press Release

Station 1

Station 2

Station 3

Station 4

GOTA Station


Support Ops