The Loudoun Amateur Radio Group
K 4 L R G


Operating From Banshee Reeks, Loudoun County, Virginia

The site of K4LRG Operations in the 2004 ARRL Field Day. Photo by Norm Styer - AI2C

Banshee Reeks Nature Preserve, Loudoun County Parks, Recreation and Community Services

       Our operation from Banshee Reeks was a pleasant surprise. With plenty of nice weather, good radio propagation conditions, good food, good facilities, and good friends, it will long be remembered as one of the "Great Field Days." Everyone worked well together and most all operations exceeded expectations. Once more information is available from the scoring crew then it will be posted but it looks like we had close to 3000 contacts with two-third of that on CW. That should be a nice score and all should be very proud of the effort. Thanks to everyone for a great job!

NA4MA Tom Garasic our FD 2004 Chairman. Photograph by Norm Styer - AI2C of Clarkes Gap, VA.

Tom Garasic - NA4MA
2004 LARG - K4LRG Field Day

        We owe the Nature Preserve some work weekends and our Field Day Chairman, Tom Garasic will fill us in what's expected.

A Preserve Attracts Many Beautiful Creations. Photograph by Denny Boehler - KF4TJI of Leesburg, VA.
There Are Many Beauties In Nature Preserves

         It can't go without saying that we missed many good friends, operators, and their families this year; especially, we hope the following will be with us soon: Ray - K4AJA and Sarah Houff of Purcellville, Bill - K8SYH and BA Buchholz of Hurt, Bob - KF4VBM and Mary - KF4UUY Oliphant of Waterford and Leesburg, Tom - WB3AKD and Jacob - KF4VLQ Dawson, and Pam Bozzi - N4OPN of Round Hill, Mike Lonneke - WoYR of Southern Round Hill, Joyce Ozelius - KG4SHO and Larry - KC1YC McCaig of NH, and Chester Kmak - WA9LAZ of Leesburg.
        Beside the links listed below on the K4LRG.ORG Internet Site, Allon Stern - KE4FYL of Purcellville has posted more photographs to his Internet Site.

Best Regards, Norm Styer - AI2C de Clarkes Gap, VA.

Op Schedule

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Sunday Morning Sun Rise by KF4TJI Denny Boehler of Leesburg, VA.

There's Nothing Like An Early Sunday Morning Sun Rise
Over Banshee Reeks By Denny Boehler - KF4TJI on June 27, 2004


Finally, These Are The Folks Who Put This All Together
The LARG - K4LRG 2004 ARRL Field Day Committee - Tom Garasic - NA4MA, Chairman

These are the guys who put this together. As usual we select a very special person in early January to be our Field Day Chairman. We then pull together several meetings and try to get  many folks involved. By late April we have settled on an operating site, team captains, and many, many more details and tasks. This was no different this year and Tom Garasic and the Committee did a wonderful job. Photograph by Norm Styer - AI2C de Clarkes Gap, VA.

Remember, We Do This So Someone In Need Can 'Count On Us'