The Loudoun Amateur Radio Group's K4LRG
Banshee Reeks Nature Preserve, Loudoun County, Virginia

Automatic Position Reporting System Demo
By Dave Putman - KG4KZZ

Dave Putman - KG4KZZ's APRS Demo. Photograph by Denny Boehler - KF4TJI of Leesburg, VA.

Dave Putman - KG4KZZ at his APRS Station

        Dave Putman - KG4KZZ of Leesburg and Woods Road was the Captain of the APRS Demonstration. His transmitter was a Radio Shack THX-242 running 10 watts output and powered by a Group 27 deep-cycle marine battery. The TNC was a MFJ 1278B and power from Group 27 battery. The antenna was a 2M ground plane up 35 feet on surplus sectional mast. The Laptop Computer was a Toshiba Tecra 8000 - 300MHz Pentium.
         The APRS Software used was UI-View32 version 2.03 with Precision Mapping PMap Server for map displays, multiple add-ins for track recording, and weather underlays. The Laptop and monitor ran from AC power. He was equipped to run the laptop from the Group 27; however, as a demonstration station the laptop screen was inadequate, so I used a 17" monitor that needed AC power.
          The bear was courtesy of the Banshee Reeks Visitor Center.
         He had some interesting discussions with visitors during the open period on Sunday, particularly some folks looking for concepts and techniques capable of application in developing countries around the world. Dave was glad we were able to showcase the capability.

This is Dave Putman's 2-Meter APRS Antenna System. Photograph by Norm Styer - AI2C of Clarkes Gap, VA.

Dave Putman - KG4KZZ's 2-Meter APRS Antenna System