The Loudoun Amateur Radio Group's K4LRG
Banshee Reeks Nature Preserve, Loudoun County, Virginia

Station #4 20 Meter Phone

The 20M Phone Station's Guad Loop Had A Beautiful Site Over Looking Western Terrain. Photograph by Deyy Boehler - KF4TJI of Leesburg, VA.

The Twenty Meter Full Wave Loop

         Denny Boehler - KF4TJI of Leesburg and Tom Garasic - NA4MA of Haymarket were Co-Captains of the Twenty Meter Phone Station - Station #5. The station used Tom's FT-gear and Denny's Gateway Solo 9100 laptop computer which was powered from two group 27 deep-cycle batteries wired in series and regulated down to 17V using one of the LARG's KG4L Regulators.
         This station made about 400 QSOs on 20-Meters Phone; details to follow.
         Many tried their hand on this station. Bill McCourt - WF1L had a very nice run early on Saturday afternoon. Others include: Tom Garasic - NA4MA, Allon Stern - KF4FYL, Carol Boehler - KF4TJJ, Kurt Reber - KF4FWB, Paul Dluehosh - N4PD and Dave Putman - KG4KZZ.

KG4KZZ - Dave Putman and KE4FYL - Allon Stern on 20M Phone. Photograph by Norm Styer - AI2C of Clarkes Gap, VA.

Allon Stern - KF4FYL and David Putman - KG4KZZ Try Their Hand.

Bill McCourt - WF1L and Kurt Reber - KI4FWB on 20M Phone on Saturday. Photograpg by Denny Boehler - KF4TJJ of Leesburg, VA.

Bill McCourt - WF1L and Kurt Reber - KI4FWB Had A Nice 20M Phone Run on Saturday.

Dave Putman - KG4KZZ with Carol Boehler - KF4TJJ on 20M Phone on Sunday morning. Photograph by Denny Boehler - KF4TJI of Leesburg, VA.

Very Early Sunday, Carol Boehler - KF4TJJ and Dave Putman - KG4KZZ Look For Just One QSO.

They've Learned "How To Stay In The Chair."


Carol Boehler - KF4TJJ on 20 M Phone on Sunday. Photograph by Norm Styer - AI2C of Clarkes Gap, VA.

Late Sunday morning, Carol Boehler - KF4TJJ Find A Few More.