The K4LRG Field Day Pen
Written and Photographed By Paul Dluehosh - N4PD

       What happens when the lights go out at Field Day in the middle of the night and you still need to write down the calls of those string of contacts you are feverishly making?     

       Not to worry!

The K4LRG Field Day Pen 2004 by Paul Dluehosh - N4PD of Leesburg, VA.

       You have the K4LRG Field Day 2004 Illuminating Pen!

       With a quick click and a twist, you have enough red light to be able to see and write down the info for those contacts. The red L.E.D. will not attract bugs and will not cause night blindness, allowing you to continue operating without interruption.

The K4LRG Field Day Pen 2004 by Paul Dluehosh - N4PD of Leesburg, VA.

       For those of you who did not attend the June LARG meeting, and were unable to get your pen there, they will be available at the Field Day Site on Friday evening as well as Saturday and Sunday for a modest fee of NOT $20 or even $10, but ONLY $6!!

       All profits will be donated to LARG for the general fund to be used as the club deems appropriate.

            If you wish to pick up your K4LRG Field Day 2004 Pen before Field Day or after Field Day if you can't make it this year, contact N4PD to make arrangements. My phone number is good on the Club Roster on the K4LRG web site.

           Thank you for supporting Field Day and LARG!