High Altitude Balloon Carrying Amateur Television - 3
HABCAT - 3   On   LARG Flight 2004A    August 7, 2004

Conducted By The Balloon Committee of the Loudoun Amateur Radio Group of Northern Virginia
Recorded Telemetry de Hot Chips
Reported and Recorded by Tom Dawson - WB3AKD - Edited By Norm Styer - AI2C

Flight Altitude In Thousands of Feet

Altitude Chart decoded from the      Hotchips CW Signal Telemetry by Tom Dawson -WB3AKD.

Hot-Chip Internal Bus Temperature in Degrees C

Telemerty Package internal temperature       recorded by Tom Dawson - WB3AKD.

Air Temperature in Degrees C

Outside air temperature from Hotchips      Telemerty Package as recorded by Tom Dawson - WB3AKD.

Hot-Chips DC Battery Voltage

Telemerty Package bttery voltage recorded by Tom Dawson - WB3AKD.

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