Ham Radio at Tiger Cub Den
Hamilton, Virginia
February 2, 2000

Loudoun Amateur Radio Group members demonstrated amateur radio
to Tiger Cubs in Hamilton, VA.

Members Participating:
AI2C - Norm Styer KF4TJJ - Carol Boehler
K4AJA - Ray Houff KG4CGR - K3HE - Larry Hughes
K4LJH - Charlie Preston N3GMW - Mark Gillam
K8SYH - Bill Buchholz N4PD - Paul Dluehosh
KF4TJI - Denny Boehler  W4AU - Jhon Unger

      On Wednesday, February 2, 2000, members of the Loudoun Amateur Radio Group conducted a live amateur radio demonstration for the Tiger Cub Den of the Hamilton, Virginia, Cub Pack at the Hamilton Elementary School from 7:30 to 8:00 P.M. The Operations Plan called for multiple stations on-site communicating with LARG members throughout Loudoun County.

      Radio equipment and antennas were set up at the school starting at 6:30 P.M. The Tiger Cub Den held its regular meeting at 7:00 to 7:30 P.M. The demonstration began with a very short introduction to amateur radio than the den was divided into three groups which rotated among the three on-site amateur radio stations. The K4LRG Log for this operation show that twenty-nine QSOs were made from the 3 stations.

      LARG Stations and Operators participating in this operation are recorded in the K4LRG Log. Thanks to everyone. The operation was  a success. And we all learned a few lessons.

        Best Regards, Norm Styer, AI2C