The We Be Loyal Scouts Operation
Cub Scout Pack 969, Hamilton, Virginia
January 23, 2003

Loudoun Amateur Radio Group members demonstrated amateur radio
to Weblos Cubs in Hamilton, VA.
As Photographed and Reported
By Norm Styer - AI2C de Clarkes Gap, Virginia

Members Participating:
AI2C - Norm Styer KD4SRX - Gary Rinker
K3HE - Larry Hughes KF4UUY - Mary Oliphant
K4AJA - Ray Houff KG4KZZ - KE4S Dave Putman
K4CJB - Buddy Brewer N4PD - Paul Dluehosh
K4LJH - Charlie Preston NC4S - Gary Quinn
KC1YC - Larry McCiag W3ZI - Mark Johnson
KD4LSL - Dale Cabaniss Jay Greeley (Now KI4TXP)

Members of The Loudoun Amateur Radio Group
demonstrate Communications with Amateur Radio.

We operated 2-Meters FM and 10-Meters SSB with our Outstations. This was a nice quick setup portable operation. We rotated the Cubs through three event stations including Morse Code Training. The Oplan describes our operation and the log records our QSO. Thanks to everyone who participated. Best Regards, Norm Styer - AI2C

LINKS TO:        Oplan 2003-1                The K4LRG Log

Radio-Telephone Procedure
By Jay Greeley - KI4UTB

Mark Johnson - W3ZI and Jay Greeley - KI4UTB

Bill Buchholz - K8SYH
on HF