Amateur Radio Support To |
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Loudoun ARES - LARG OPLAN 2004-1 Amateur Radio
Support To The Loudoun Chapter, American Red Cross
Dated: August 26, 2004 2143 hours EDST
From: WB3AKD Tom Dawson
Time Zone: Eastern Daylight Saving Time
WITH CHANGE #1 Dated 2200 hours, August 27, 2004
Weather: The bike event will be held rain or shine. See Washington DC Area Radar Loop. Safety of the operators and their equipment must be respected and inclement weather can restrict or curtail LARG participation.
Concept Of Operation:
1. Radios and antennas equipment will be set up at the sites starting at about 6:00 A.M., Sunday, August 29, 2004. Operational test will be conducted following installation of all equipment. The LARG will attempt to establish two shifts to support the operation through 1800 hours, Sunday afternoon.
2. Event Registration begins at 6:30 A.M. Riders can start riding between 6:30 and 10:00 A.M. Century riders must start by 8:30 A.M. and all others by 10:00 A.M.
3. Traffic over the nets is expected to be administrative supply requests, health and safety messages.
LARG Info Net |
8:00 PM. |
Friday August 27, 2004 on the N4FSC DARG Repeater (145.31). |
Site Installations |
6:00 A.M. - 7:00 A.M. |
Sunday, August 29, 2004 |
Site Operations |
7:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M. |
Sunday, August 29, 2004 |
Post-Ride Party |
12:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M. |
Sunday, August 29, 2004 at |
ARC Post Op Debrief |
ARC Contacts:
Traci Winfree, 703-433-2488, mailto:[email protected]
Cell phone number is 571-237-6069.
Loudoun Amateur Radio Group Contacts:
Tom Dawson, WB3AKD and Bill Frisbie, W3EMH
[email protected] and [email protected]
1) Reston Town Center and Relay Site - Start-Finish
2) Ashburn Fire Station - Rest Stop
3) Hamilton Park - Rest Stop
4) Waterford Elementary School - Rest Stop
5) Hillsboro Elementary School - Rest Stop
6) Route 287 – Lovettsville - Check Point (As Required)
7) ARC Vehicle #1
8) SAG Vehicle #1
9) SAG Vehicle #2
10) SAG Vehicle #3
11) SAG Vehicle #4
12) Route Rider #1
13) Route Rider #2
14) Route Rider #3
15) Route Rider #4
16) Mobile Rover #1
17) Mobile Rover #2
SAG Point Of Contact: The RBC SAG POC is John Shea (H) 703-264-0210.
SAG Vehicle Start Points and Start Times:
SAG #1 Reston Town Center - 0630 AM
SAG #2 Loudoun County High School - 0730 AM
SAG #3 Hamilton Rest Stop - 0800 AM
SAG #4 Waterford Rest Stop - 0930 AM
Site Support: Operators should provide sun shading if not available at
Station Equipment. All Stations should
have 2 meter capability for primary communications on 147.480 MHz. Since most
folks these days have dual band capability, 445.975 Simplex will be used as a
secondary traffic frequency. APRS will
broadcast on 144.39 MHz. Some sort of gain antenna would help to
ensure a good link. Secondary mode will be 40 meter SSB with suggested
frequency of 7265 KHz plus or minus a few KHz to avoid any other activity. One
HF antenna method is a simple 40M dipole installed at least 15 to 20 feet off
the ground in a cleared area is recommended. This can then be extended with
clip on leads to change to 80M.
The Reston Town Center Operation, will need 2-Meter-440MHz Cross Band Equipment and 440 MHz HT's.
Safety: Care should be taken on position of antennas to eliminate and risk of adverse RF exposure. Watch for tripping hazards on coax runs. If HF operation is used power should be limited to 50w to reduce RF exposure. Avoid erecting antennas near overhead electrical power lines. Please maintain a safe distance between all antenna hardware and all personnel.
Reston Cross Band Operation: Due to the proximity of tall buildings to the Command
Center Location, we will use a cross band repeater
equipment provided by Dennis Boehler, KF4TJI. The ground station at
Net Control: The Net Control Station - K4LRG will be located at
Time: All logs and messages will be kept in local eastern daylight saving time in a 2400 hour format. For example, use 1300 hours for 1:00 PM.
Map: A is available on the K4LRG.ORG Internet Site. A larger printed version will be made available to all Operating Locations and Mobile/Rover Stations prior to start time. Red Cross support personnel will also have route maps.
Radio Interference: This on-the-air activity will be on a noninterference basis. Change operating frequencies to avoid harmful interference.
Primary Radio Frequencies: The
HF NCS: K8SYH, Bill Buchholz in Hurt, VA will act
as NCS; other sites should be prepared to act as ANCS and as NCS if necessary.
Communications checks will be made every 30-minutes.
On Site Refreshments: LARG operators can use the facilities and refreshments provided to the ride participants. It is recommended that you bring your own lunch. Attempts have been made to have two operators at each location to provide breaks. ARC has requested help in providing additional ice chests. Care should be taken to mark any personal property.
Tactical Callsigns: Tactical Callsigns will be used where possible. Suggested tactical callsigns are in red in the Location & Call Column of the following chart. The following additional guidance from Steve - WV1X at HQ, ARRL is provided to ensure all stations and operators understand and identify in accordance FCC rules:
"The emergency net control station would
assign tactical call signs. These call signs usually provide some information
about the station location or purpose. Examples: "Net" for net
control; "Firebase 1" for the first fire base station established;
"Mercy" for
"When on the air and communicating
with tactical call signs, just be sure that each tactical call sign station
ALSO attaches his/her Amateur Radio call sign at least once every 10 minutes.
Here's a quote from the ARRL Training Book: "The easiest way to be sure
you fulfill FCC station identification requirements during a net is to give
your FCC call sign as you complete each exchange. Most exchanges will be far
shorter than ten minutes. This serves two important functions:
1) It tells the NCS that you consider the exchange
complete (and saves time and extra words).
2) It fulfills all FCC identification requirements."
Summary Of Operational Personnel:
Shifts |
Morning Shift |
Afternoon Shift |
Location & Call |
0600-1200 |
0600-1200 |
0600-1200 |
1200-1800 |
1200-1800 |
1200-1800 |
W3EMH Bill Frisbie |
KD4DEI Elena Frisbie |
K4ARP Dave Mullins |
W3EMH Bill Frisbie |
KD4DEI Elena Frisbie |
K4ARP Dave Mullins |
Reston Relay |
W3ZI Mark Johnson |
N/A |
N/A |
W3ZI Mark Johnson |
N/A |
N/A |
Ashburn |
WF1L |
KF4KKZ Bruce Lunde |
WF1L |
KF4KKZ Bruce Lunde |
WB9RXJ Tom Carney |
- |
WB9RXJ Tom Carney |
- |
KG4KZZ Dave Putman |
- |
NC4S Gary Quinn |
KF4TJI Dennis Boehler |
- - |
NC4S Gary Quinn |
KF4TJI Dennis Boehler |
- - |
AI2C Norm |
K8DSJ Don K8TMJ Tina |
AI2C Norm |
K8DSJ Don Jones K8TMJ Tina |
WD4KHP Ed KF4TNX Tom Martin |
Route 287 - |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
ARC Vehicle #1 |
K3HE |
N/A |
N/A |
K3HE |
N/A |
N/A |
SAG Vehicle #1 |
KB2CEV Steve Tedesco |
N/A |
N/A |
KB2CEV Steve Tedesco |
N/A |
N/A |
SAG Vehicle #2 |
KI4DHX Allen Evans |
N/A |
N/A |
KI4DHX Allen Evans |
N/A |
N/A |
SAG Vehicle #3 |
KI4BRG Chris Fristad |
N/A |
N/A |
KI4BRG Chris Fristad |
N/A |
N/A |
SAG Vehicle #4 |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Route Rider 1 |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Route Rider 2 |
KS1G |
N/A |
N/A |
KS1G |
N/A |
N/A |
Route Rider 3 |
Mobile Rover 1 |
N4PD |
KE4RTP Nancy Dluehosh |
N/A |
N4PD Paul Dluehosh |
KE4RTP Nancy Dluehosh |
N/A |
Mobile Rover 2 |
WB3AKD Tom Dawson |
N/A |
N/A |
WB3AKD Tom Dawson |
N/A |
N/A |
Additions and Changes: Additions and changes should be brought to the attention
Tom Dawson, WB3AKD ( [email protected]
) or Bill Frisbie, W3EMH ( [email protected] )
Loudoun County ARES - Loudoun Amateur Radio
Group Liaison:
Tom Dawson, WB3AKD ( [email protected] )
Bill Frisbie, W3EMH ( [email protected] )
Gary Quinn NC4S ( [email protected] )
Norm Styer, AI2C Telephone
(540) 338-2584 or (610) 286-5824 [email protected]
LARG Internet Site: http://history.k4lrg.org/
Loudoun County Virginia ARES Internet Reflector Site: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ares_loudoun_va/
LARG Internet Reflector Site: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/l_a_r_g