W4SSN - Stanley Steele's
Amateur Radio Station
Property For Sale
ATTENTION: As Of April 20, 2011, All Property Has Been Disposed Of
In May 2010, Stanley Steele - W4SSN contacted Dale Harrison - K3CN regarding the sale of his amateur radio station equipment to or by the Loudoun Amateur Radio Group. In May and June, Dale and Norm Styer - AI2C cleaned and inventoried the equipment. Several LARG members assisted in technical evaluations and repairs. Over 60 man-hours were invested in preparing and presenting this equipment.
Stanley is currently living in an assisted living facility in Alexandria, Virginia, and is no longer able to operate on the air. Please direct any enquiries as to price and condition of equipment to Dale before Saturday as this equipment will be displayed for sale at the Manassas Hamfest on June 13, 2010. Contact me at 703-777-6685.
Item #1: Kenwood TS-480HX HF & 6M 200-Watt Mobile Transceiver

Item #2: Astron RS-50A Power Supply

Item #3: MFJ-986 Differential HF Antenna Tuner with 2' RG-8 Cable w/PL-259s

Item #4: Ameritron AL811 Series HF Amplifier

Item #5: Ten-Tec Argonaut 509 with matching Ten-Tec Model 252M Power Supply with Astatic Mic

Item #6: Astron RS-35M Power Supply

Item #7: B & W Portable Base-Loaded Coil Whip Antenna With Extra Whip Element

Item #8: MFJ-264 1.5 KW Dry Dummy Load

Item #9: Kenwood LF-30A Low Pass TVI Filter Z=50 ohms 1 KW PEP

Item #10: Bencher RJ-1 Straight Key - Black Base - Cable with 1/8" Plug

Item #11: Champion Vibroplex

Item #12: MFJ-461 Pocket CW Reader with Audio In and Serial Out Jacks - 9V Battery Operated

Item #13: MFJ-931 MFJ Artificial RF Ground Model MFJ-931 in Box but not new with Instruction Manual

Item #14: Texas Crystals 234-Socket - 7301 KC - With Case

Item #15: Kenwood TS-140S HF Transceiver

Item #16: Alinco DR-135 Mark II 2-Meter VHF FM Transceiver with Data Port with Mounting Bracket & Mic & Fused DC Power Cord

Item #17: Alinco DR-110 2-Meter VHF FM Transceiver - Mic - No DC Cord

Item #18: LARSON 5/8th Wave 2-Meter Mobile Antenna W/O Base

Item #19: HI PERFORMANCE 5/8th Wave 2-Meter Mobile Antenna W/O Base

Item #20: Daiwa CN-540 50-150 MHz 50-ohm 200W Forward & Reflected & Power Meter 2 Ranges: 20W and 200W

Item #21: VHF Handheld Ear Piece and Mic (Set 1 of 2 Sets)

Item #22: VHF Handheld Ear Piece and Mic (Set 2 of 2 Sets)

Item #23: MFJ Dual Band 144 - 220 MHz Antenna Tuner

Item #24: EICO Model 1140 Series-Parallel R - C Combination Box

Item #25: Micronta Model 22-201A

Item #26: Gordon West's Extra Class Element 4 & FCC License Prep Valid Thru June 2008 286 pages

Item #27: ARRL Extra Class License Manual 8th Edition Beginning July 1, 2002 - 605 pages

Item #28: ARRL Wire Antenna Classics - 5th Printing - 2005 - Pages 10-8

Item #29: ARRL RFI Book - 2nd Edition - 314 pages

Item #30: ICOM IC-2AT 2-Meter Handheld FM Transceiver

Item #31: Tool Box, Plastic, Green

Item #32: Kenwood HF Radio DC Power Cable with Fuse Boxes

Item #33: MFJ - 207 HF SWR Analyzer
