The Loudoun Amateur Radio Group
Outstanding Member For 2000

Tom Dawson - WB3AKD

Awarded Annually for Individual Dedication, Singularly Valuable
and Innovative Contributions
to the Furtherance of the Goals and Ideals
of the
Loudoun Amateur Radio Group of Virginia.

The Loudoun Amateur Radio Group hereby recognize the outstanding contributions of Tom Dawson - WB3AKD of Round Hill, Virginia, Chairman of the Balloon Committee, for his excellent technical, superb organizational and unique leadership abilities in the very successful Flight 2000A of K4LRG - Balloon. He is also recognized for his outstanding operations at the Dulles Airport Emergency Exercise, the Virginia and Pennsylvania QSO Parties, the Leesburg First Night, the Reston Bike Ride, and the K4LRG ARRL Field Day. Signed: President Ray Houff, K4AJA, December 7, 2000.

Dennis Boehler, KF4TJI (Right) presents the LARG Outstanding Member for 2000 Award to Tom Dawson, WB3AKD at the LARG Third Annual Holiday Dinner on December 7, 2000 at the Johnson's Charcoal Beef House, Leesburg, Virginia