The Loudoun Amateur Radio Group
Outstanding Member For 1999

Gary Quinn - NC4S

Awarded Annually for Individual Dedication, Singularly Valuable
and Innovative Contributions
to the Furtherance of the Goals and Ideals
of the
Loudoun Amateur Radio Group of Virginia.

The Loudoun Amateur Radio Group hereby recognize the outstanding contributions of Gary Quinn - NC4S of Lovettsville, Virginia for his excellent organizational, superb technical and unique leadership abilities in the very successful 1999 ARRL Field Day Operation. The LARG K4LRG Station which he hosted at his QTH finished second in Virginia with 1969 QSOs and a score of 7,264. And in adition, he recognized for his support to the Balloon Committee and his superb radio operating skills in the 1999 Virginia QSO Party. Signed: President Norm Styer, AI2C, December 9, 1999.