Ninth Annual LARG Holiday Dinner (Loudoun ARG, Purcellville, Virginia, December 12, 2006)
Thirty-four members and guests of the Loudoun Amateur Radio
enjoyed wonderful holiday spirit, |
Meg - N4OGE and Frank - KØBRA Gentges |
Bill - K8SYH and BA Buchholz |
Angi Garasic
- KG4AVR |
Carolyn and John Unger - W4AU |
Joyce Costello and Larry - K3HE Hughes |
Nancy Dluehosh - KE4RTP |
Gary Strong - AI4IN |
![]() L-R: Kay Styer - KA2IJU of Clarkes Gap, Carolyn Unger of Hamilton, Nancy Dluehosh - KE4RTP of Leesburg, and Carol Boehler - KF4TJJ of Leesburg |
Sharon - KI4BAA and Buddy - K4CJB Brewer |
Tom Dawson - WB3AKD |
Certificates of Appreciation Tom Dawson - WB3AKD, the Emergency Coordinator for Loudoun County Amateur Radio Emergency Service presented special certificates of achievement to several key members of Loudoun ARES for their long time dedicated service to supporting emergency communications operations. He specifically called out the 9-11 Emergency, the Dulles International Airport Emergency Exercise, Hurricane Isabel, First Night Leesburg, the annual Reston Bicycle Century Ride - American Red Cross Support, and the many Loudoun County Emergency Operations Center Exercises. Awards were presented to Gary Quinn - NC4S and Bill Frisbie - W3EMH, Assistant Emergency Coordinators for Loudoun ARES, Carol - KF4TJJ and Denny - KF4TJI Boehler of Leesburg and Kurt Reber - KI4FWB of Lovettsville. We all agree; these folks continue to do a great job for Loudoun County's communities. |
Tom Dawson - WB3AKD |
Carol and Denny Also Received Loudoun ARES Certificates Of Achievement |
Carol - KF4TJJ and Denny - KF4TJI Boehler |
The Door Prizes Paul - N4PD and John - W4AU did the honors on the many door prizes. We missed Gary Quinn - NC4S who also had worked all year finding these unique items. The two mayor prizes were won by Kay Styer - KA2IJU and Frank Gentges - KØBRA. Carolyn Unger won the Daiwa coax switch. Angi Garasic - KG4AVR won the MFJ "Cleartone" Speaker. Pat Slusher got the ladder line antenna "locks" and Chuck Graham - KI4IEO won the Stanley tool bottle opener. . |
# 2 Door Prize |
#1 Door Prize |
The Loudoun Amateur Radio Group's Outstanding Member of 2006 Award The Outstanding Member Of The Year Award is voted upon by all previous recipients and is usually presented at our holiday dinner. But this year, the recipient was not present; so, we'll have to wait until our January 2007 meeting for this presentation. . |
We trust all had a wonderful time. We all look forward to a good 2007. |