LARG - K4LRG Field Day 2002 Organization
Fox Glen, Waterford, Virginia - The Homestead Of Bob Oliphant, KF4VBM

Chairman, Field Day Cmte John Unger W4AU Captain, Operator Sign-Up John Unger W4AU
Captain, HF Station #1 Norm Styer AI2C Captain, Logs - Dupe Sheets John Unger W4AU
Captain, HF Station #2 Mark Gillam N3GMW Official Government Visitor John Unger W4AU
Captain, HF Station #3 John Unger W4AU Captain, Base Operations
Captain, HF Station #4 Gary Quinn NC4S Safety Captain
Captain, GOTA Station Denny Boehler KF4TJI Captain, DC Power
Captain, VHF - UHF Station Tom Dawson WB3AKD Captain, AC Power
Captain, Satellite Station Tom Dawson WB3AKD Captain, Natural Power Gary Quinn NC4S
Captain, Demo Modes Captain, Message Origination
Captain, Computers Paul Dluehosh N4PD Captain, Message Relay
Food Captain Ray Houff K4AJA Copy W1AW Message
Copy W1AW Message
Copy W1AW Message
Public Information Booth N/A - No Public
Captain, Pin Larry Hughes KG4CGR Public - Media Relations Norm Styer AI2C
Captain, Official Photographs Norm Styer AI2C Sign Captain Angi Garasic KG4AVR