The 2002-2003 Contest Listing
By John Unger - W4AU de Hamilton, Virginia

Here is an annotated (by me) listing of some contests and State QSO Parties that you might be interested in taking part in during the next 6 months. I have included URL's for finding rules and other specific information. Please pay special interest to those contests for which LARG will submit a club entry. As always, if you have any specific questions, feel free to call or email me ([email protected] ).

Oct 5, 1600Z to Oct 6, 2200Z - California QSO Party Lots of activity, especially from California stations. All the counties are usually active; some special awards. See:

Oct 12, 1600Z to 0500Z, Oct 13; and 1300Z-2200Z, Oct 13 - Pennsylvania QSO Party . Lots of stations on the air, especially good on 40 and 80 meters from Virginia. All the counties are active; can get special awards for working at least 100 Pennsylvania stations or all 67 counties. See:

Oct 19, 1500Z to Oct 20, 1500Z - Worked All Germany Contest . Lots of German stations on the air; work them on both SSB and CW. See:

Oct 26, 000Z to Oct 27, 2400Z - CQ Worldwide DX Contest, SSB . The premier, 48-hour SSB DX contest. High levels of activity on all open bands, all weekend long. You can get DXCC in one weekend if you are diligent! See:

Nov 2, 2100Z to Nov 4, 0300Z - ARRL Sweepstakes Contest, CW . The largest domestic CW contest with the most activity. You can work all the states in one weekend! Special award, CLEAN SWEEP, for working all the US and Canadian ARRL Districts. This contest is one of the ones open for ARRL Affiliated clubs to enter as a team. LARG will have a Club Entry for this contest in the ARRL "Small Club" category. See:

Nov 9, 1200Z to Nov 10, 1200Z - OK/OM DX Contest, CW . A good, small DX contest with a modest level of activity from a large population of Czech amateurs. See:

Nov 16, 2100Z to Nov 18, 0300Z - ARRL Sweepstakes Contest, SSB . The largest domestic SSB contest with the most activity. You can work all the states in one weekend! Special award, CLEAN SWEEP, for working all the US and Canadian ARRL Districts. This contest is one of the ones open for ARRL Affiliated clubs to enter as a team. LARG will have a Club Entry for this contest in the ARRL "Small Club" category. See:

Nov 23, 0000Z to Nov 24, 2400Z - CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CW . The premier, 48-hour CW DX contest. High levels of activity on all open bands, all weekend long. You can get DXCC in one weekend if you are diligent! See:

Dec 14, 0000Z to Dec 15, 2400Z - ARRL 10-Meter Contest. A great DX and domestic contest to operate now, near the top of the current sunspot cycle. You have the option of operating either CW or SSB or both in this contest. This contest is one of the ones open for ARRL Affiliated clubs to enter as a team. LARG will have a Club Entry for this contest in the ARRL "Small Club" category. See:

Jan 11, 1800Z to Jan 12, 0600Z - North American QSO Party, CW . Another fun domestic contest with a high level of participation from hams across the US and Canada. See:

Jan 18, 1800Z to Jan 19, 0600Z - North American QSO Party, SSB . Another fun domestic contest with a high level of participation from hams across the US and Canada. See:

Feb 2, 0000Z-0400Z - North American Sprint, SSB . Four hours of intense contest activity; the special QSY rule levels the playing field and emphasizes operating skills. See:

Feb 9, 0000Z-0400Z - North American Sprint, CW . Four hours of intense contest activity; the special QSY rule levels the playing field and emphasizes operating skills. See:

Feb 15, 0000Z to Feb 16, 2400Z - ARRL Inter. DX Contest, CW . A great CW DX contest where every ham in the rest of the world tries to work US and Canadian hams. A very high level of activity on all bands for the entire weekend. Finish up your DXCC award in two days! This contest is one of the ones open for ARRL Affiliated clubs to enter as a team. LARG will have a Club Entry for this contest in the ARRL "Small Club" category. See:

Mar 1, 0000Z to Mar 2, 2400Z - ARRL Inter. DX Contest, Phone . A great SSB DX contest where every ham in the rest of the world tries to work US and Canadian hams. A very high level of activity on all bands for the entire weekend. Finish up your DXCC award in two days! This contest is one of the ones open for ARRL Affiliated clubs to enter as a team. LARG will have a Club Entry for this contest in the ARRL "Small Club" category. See:

Mar 15, 1800Z to Mar 17, 0200Z - Virginia QSO Party . OK, guys this is the big LARG effort of the year. We have had the biggest club turnout of any Virginia club in this event over the past five years. This year we need to regain the Virginia Club plaque for the highest scoring club in the state. Get on the air for this!!! See: