SKY-EYE III Camera Payload
Development and Testing
By John Rehwinkel - KG4L of Purcellville, Virginia
As Photographed By  Allon Stern - KE4FYL of Purcellville, Virginia
Thursday, November 14, 2002

Photo By Allon Stern - KE4FYL of Purcellville, VA

This is a picture of the cameras being tested, along with the camera controller board. They're sitting on a pinball machine I ended up using as a table.

Photo By Allon Stern - KE4FYL of Purcellville, VA

Here's the view from behind the cameras, showing the clock I'm using to verify that they're taking pictures when they're supposed to. In the background, you can see the doorway to Allon's office (with bat cutouts).


Photo By Allon Stern - KE4FYL of Purcellville, VA

Here's a shot of the controller board, with callouts for the various parts.

Photo By Allon Stern - KE4FYL of Purcellville, VA

And the obligatory picture of the builder. -- Enjoy! John - KG4L