LARG Flight 2000A Balloon Launch
Launch Team Operation Plan Date: October 19, 2000
By Norm Styer - AI2C Launch Team Captain

It is now two days from our launch and I thought I would write down what I now believe we -- the Launch Team -- should be doing.  On Friday if all goes well we will have our Pre-Launch Dinner for everyone at the El Rancho Plus.
So here is a short description of what the Launch Team is going to try to do.

The Launch Team consists of Norm - AI2C as Team Leader, and Bill - WB4ACC, Bob - KF4VBM and Mary - KF4UUY, and others still to join us.

All equipment for launch and subsequent tracking is carried in the F-150. Norm's camera will be used to catch key activities. We will use Ray - K4AJA's Video Recorder to catch all the action. Bill - WB4ACC will drive his van and Bob or Mary will ride with him.

We will know on Friday night generally from where we will be launching and the Launch Team will depart Purcellville Food Lion about 6:00 AM on Saturday, October 21, 2000. We expect to be at the launch site by 8:45 AM and immediately prepare for launch.

During the trip the Launch Team will maintain Radio Contact on 144.945 MHz among themselves and with other sites and on 7.195 MHz SSB (7.015 MHz CW) with Mission Control and the Tracking Team and the Recovery Team.

These are the steps we plan to take upon arrival:

1. Pick the best site among those previously selected as candidates. We expect surface winds out of the South or West, so this will be a consideration.

2. The vehicles will be placed so as to shelter the balloon filling site. An assessment of wind conditions for favorable balloon inflation and launch will be made and reported to Mission Control. Winds in excess of 7 miles per hour may prevent safe inflation. Winds in excess of 10 miles per hour may prevent safe launch.

3. The large sleeping bag -- called pad -- will be placed on top the large ground cloth on which the balloon will be placed.

4. The He Tanks will be placed on the upwind side of the pad.

5. The Regulator and Fill Tube will be assembled to the He Tank and all laid on the pad.

6. The Filling Tube Holder will be placed into position.

7. The Safety Counter Weigh and Rope will be attached to the Fill Tube.

8. Prepare a 120 foot length of string and double fold it with loose ends pointed to where the parachute will be attached.  The folded end will be attached to the Balloon Neck later. Prepare the Parachute per instructions attached and attach the string to the top.

9. Check Condition of Parachute and attach a 60 foot length of String from the Commo Payload after it has been laid out down wind from the Pad. Report Physical HookUp to Mission Control.

10. At this point, Confirm Activation of the Payload and Tape the Battery Power Cables with Electrical Tape. Report payload activation to Mission Control. The Launch Team will continue to monitor payload signals.

11. The balloon will be rolled open to its full flat length and the neck placed on the Fill Tube.

12. A Paper Shield will be placed over the bottom of the neck and the 2-inch clamp tighten.

13. The Free Lift Counter Weigh of 5.5 pounds (1.5 Kg payload + 1KG lift + Fill Tube Weight) will be attached to the Fill Tube.

14. Contact will be reconfirmed will Mission Control and Permission To FILL REQUESTED.

15. Upon receipt of the Command To FILL, the Regulator will be pressurized. Then open the Valve on Balloon End of Fill Tube. Then very slowly open Regulator Value to inflate the balloon at NO MORE THAN 10 PSI.

16. As the balloon fills it will slowly rise - check fill rates and the counter weigh attachment. Be prepared to steady the balloon at all times and avoid any sharpe contact with the skin of the balloon. As the balloon fills up, it will move around and care must be taken to avoid having its neck pinched shut. Fill Operators must be ready to release gas pressure on the fill neck if it starts to close or be pinched off.

17. As the balloon reaches the proper size -- about 5 to 6 Feet in diameter be prepared to close the regulator, fill value at balloon end of fill tube and the tank shutoff valve. Two tanks of He gas will be required. The smaller tank will be used first, then the larger tank will be connected and the balloon filled till the calibrated free lift counter weight is supported.

18. After it is at the correct size -- free lift value -- tie the balloon off at the neck -- just above the fill tube -- with a double length of string -- rap it twice and tie twice. Leave about 12 inches free for a second tie. Note: correct size is when the preset 'free lift' devise is just being supported by the balloon.

19. Temporarily tie the Safety Counter Weight to the Balloon Neck.

20. Remove the Fill Tube from the Balloon Neck and double it back once or twice over the existing tie and then tie it off again -- double rap and tie three times.

21. CONTACT Mission Control and Advise that the Launch Team is READY TO LAUNCH. And request permission to do so.

22. After receiving permission to launch, provide a Count Down to Launch to Mission Control.

23. To Launch, holding the balloon by its neck, remove the safety counter weigh and move down range toward the payload -- releasing the balloon before reaching the payload. The team member holding the payload raises it above his/her head and allows the payload to be picked up as the balloon rises. This person may have to move down range a little until the balloon has enough height.

24. Hopefully, the balloon will continue its rise as planned. Then Notify Mission Control that the balloon has cleared the Pad and the launch area.

26. Continue to monitor the Beacon and report balloon observation to Mission Control.

27. Pack up all launch equipment and move out to the projected Recovery Area.

28. Move into the Touch Down Target Area and prepare to participate in Tracking and Recovery.

I hope this is clear enough. Any questions/changers/mods - just speak up.

Best Regards and Good Hunting. Norm