Amateur Radio From Loudoun County VA October 1997The LARG Radio News - DE K4LRGThe Loudoun Amateur Radio Group, P.O. Box 1004, Purcellville, VA 20134 |
NOTE: Next Meeting is October 17, 8:30 at the El Rancho Plus September Club Meeting Notes We now have a new club PR person; Otto, W4QDP, has taken on the chores of getting information on club activities to the local media, so see Otto if you have any good information for the newpapers. The club decided to resurrect the Balloon Committee and to try to put our LARG balloon launch back on schedule. Subsequently, The committee met and will report on its progress at the October meeting. The main event at the September meeting was a presentation by John, W4AU, who discussed some basics to understanding how HF propagation works. It was a timely talk, coming on the heels of Pauls, K4MSG, discussion of VHF propagation at the August meeting. Its always difficult keeping a group with the wide range of experience and knowledge represented by our club members interested, but at least no one fell asleep during Johns talk October Club Meeting Notes The Highlight of The October club meeting will be a foxhunt, which will follow our business meeting and breakfast. We will be using this foxhunt to hone our skills for an impending LARG balloon launch. For those of you who have never participated in a foxhunt, this occasion will be a good one to see how its done. Our fox will be broadcasting on 147.480 (simplex frequency) from a hidden location while the rest of us will try to locate him. You dont have to have any special equipment to participate; you can team up with other club members who have radio direction finding antennas and join in the fun. Club News A number of LARG members journeyed over to the Howard County Hamfest on October 5. Some of us even sold a few things and all of us enjoyed the unseasonably warm weather and array of ham radio equipment. We hope that everyone is enjoying the unseasonably warm October weather and using it to advantage by getting up lots of new antennas to make use of all of those new sun spots! SEE YOU SATURDAY! |
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