Amateur Radio From Loudoun County VA November 2002The LARG Radio News - DE K4LRGThe Loudoun Amateur Radio Group, P.O. Box 1004, Purcellville, VA 20134 |
NOTE: The November 16,
2002, LARG meeting will be A BALLOON LAUNCH!!!! Unless the weather is
uncooperative, we will not have a regular meeting in November. Check in to
the on-the-air balloon committee meeting on November 13 to see if the flight
is a GO - details below. If the balloon flight has to be scrubbed for some
reason, we will have our regular meeting at the Leesburg Holy Trinity
Lutheran Church.
November Club Meeting
Plans - Plan A - We will be out launching, tracking, and retrieving the
latest LARG high altitude balloon instrument package. Plan B - normal
club meeting.
December - Annual LARG Holiday Dinner - Be sure to fill out
and submit the attached
form to reserve
your meal at the Annual LARG Holiday Dinner, which will be at the
Tuscarora Mill restaurant this year. The dinner will be in lieu of
a club meeting for December. Balloon Committee - The committee met at the Purcellville Library on October 30. John, KG4L, reported that the new payload with three cameras will not be finished in time for the November 16 launch. John said that the two-camera payload that was used on the last flight will be refurbished, tested and will be ready to fly instead. Craig, N4OHE, has very graciously agreed to make his station available to us to use for Mission Control duties. This location is an ideal spot for this purpose; it is situated on the top of the Blue Ridge near Mt. Weather. Denny, KF4TJI, has lined up the tracking/recovery teams and it looks like we have enough personnel to accomplish that task. Tom, WB3AKD, has noted that the upper level winds are much stronger this time of year, which may necessitate launching from much further west than we have previously done, in order to have a landing zone in the Shenandoah Valley region. On-the air balloon committee meeting on November 13 at 1900 EST, 147.480, simplex to make final plans / decisions about the flight. Stay tuned!
Calendar of Events:
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