November 1998 | Amateur Radio From Loudoun County VA |
The LARG Radio NewsDE K4LRG |
The Loudoun Amateur Radio Group, P.O. Box 1004, Purcellville, VA 20134
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President | Gary Quinn (NC4S) | (540)882-3017 |
Vice-President | Norm Styer (AI2C) | (540)338-2584 | |
Secretary | Nancy Dluehosh (KE4RTP) | (703)771-9284 | |
Treasurer | Dale Cabaniss (KD4LSL) | (540)338-3521 | |
Editor | John Unger (W4AU) | (540)338-4620 | |
Training | Paul Dluehosh (N4PD) | (703)771-9284 |
October Club Meeting Reports
Everyone enjoyed the presentation of old-time ham gear. Charlie, K4LJH, showed off his genuine spark transmitter, which is guaranteed to cause TVI on all channels in a four-block area, and Gary, NC4S, brought us all back to those days of yesteryear with his 1929 Hartley oscillator replica transmitter.
November Club Meeting Plans
We will have a very short business meeting and essentially no program at the November club meeting. After we have all had a good breakfast, we will adjourn to Gary's, NC4S, garage near Lovettsville for an antenna construction party and begin making the 2-meter loop antennas that have proven so useful in the last few foxhunts. The club will be furnishing all the materials, and we have enough to make an antenna for everyone who wants on, so you don't have to scrounge around in your parts box for random bits and pieces. We do need you to bring a heavy-duty soldering iron or gun if you have one and also a fine-tooth hobby saw to cut the hard line.
Special Event!!
We have arranged for special LARG dinner to be a replacement for our December club meeting. Gary, NC4S, has made arrangements for us to have a dinner on Thursday, December 3 at the Beautiful South Restaurant on Business Route 7 at the east end of Hamilton. The dinner is for LARG members and their spouses, significant others, or friends. We will meet for socializing in the bar section of the restaurant about 6:30, and the dinner will be in a non-smoking room beginning at 7:00. The cost will be $20.00 per person, including the complete meal and tip; drinks are extra. Please see the response form in this newsletter for the menu choices and send in your response to Gary by November 28, or bring it to the November 21 club meeting along with your check. We hope that everyone will be able to join us for what we're sure will be a very pleasant evening. Mark your calendars now!
Club News
Keep an eye out for your November issue of QST; rumor has it that K4LRG finished well up in the class 3A standings in this year's Field Day. Details next month! Norm, AI2C, seems to have a "mortal lock" on this year's 10-meter Trophy contest, but remember, he can win only one of the four prizes. The field is wide open for the Novice/Technician category, especially. 10 meters has been open for propagation all around the world recently; get on and enjoy the band! Also, remember the ARRL 10-meter contest is coming up the weekend of December 12/13; that will be the perfect time get a whole lot of new 10-meter countries and states. Paul, N4PD, John, W4AU, and Gary, NC4S, took part in the recent CW Sweepstakes contest and are planning to submit a club score as well as individual scores. If you have some QSO's from this contest, let any of these three know and we will add your name to the club team listing. Your nominating committee has been hard at work putting together a slate of officers for next year. If you are interested in serving in one of these positions please contact John, W4AU, Charlie, K4LJH, or Dennis, KF4TJI. You will find their phone numbers on the updated membership list included with this issue of the newsletter. The second LARG Novice/Tech class finished up on November 5. By the time you read this newsletter, some of our graduates will have already taken their exams, and we should have some new hams in Loudoun County. Big thanks to the instructors for this class: Dennis, KF4TJI; Roy, KF4IVG; Jeff, K0ZR; Jim, KF4YLH; John, W4AU; Gary, NC4S; Tom, WB9RXJ; and Norm, AI2C. The club owes a special thank you to Paul, N4PD, who organized the class and saw it through to completion; congratulations on a job well done, Paul!
We are still looking for hams who want to upgrade to General? Recent grads from our novice/tech classes and other club members interested in upgrading to the General Class license are asked to contact Paul, N4PD, our training coordinator, who is thinking of holding a class for general theory and code in the spring.
Paul, N4PD, is still looking for LARG members to help with communications at this year's Leesburg First Night festivities; contact him at the phone number above. We have a number of really fun contests coming up in November and December. These contests all have categories for small clubs to enter as well as individuals. Norm, AI2C, will be coordinating club entries for these contests, so contact him if you need rules or other information and if you are planning to enter any of them.
11/21-11/22 - ARRL Sweepstakes SSB contest; get WAS in one weekend - maybe even on 10-meters!
11/28-11/29 - CQWW CW DX contest; 48 hours of DX, this is the biggest DX contest of the year!
12/12-12/13 - ARRL 10-meter CW/SSB contest; go on & win the LARG Trophy! We will have a club entry for this contest, so be sure to let John, W4AU, or Norm, AI2C, if you get on for this event.
Special Notice: No regular LARG club meeting in December!!!
LARG Dinner Reservations -- December 3, 1998
All entrees include salad, bread, vegetable, potatoes or rice, desert, and coffee or tea.
Indicate the entrée(s) that you want on the form below; call Gary for details.
Please send this form with your reservations by November 28 to:
Gary Quinn
14282 Rehoboth Church Rd.
Lovettsville, VA 20180
New York Steak
Tuna, Flounder, Salmon, Crab Cakes, Stuffed Shrimp
Roast Chicken, Chicken Scaloppini, Cordon Blu, Coc au Ven
Phone number:_________________________________
Entrée Choice(s):_______________________________
Amount enclosed @ $20.00 per person:_________________
Calendar of Events: | |
Every Sunday 8:00PM | Club Radio Net, 147.480 MHz simplex |
Every Third Saturday 8:30AM | Club Meeting, El Ranchero Plus Restaurant, Purcellville, Va |
Weekday Mornings and Evenings | Commuter Net, 147.480 MHz Simplex |