May 2003 LARG Newsletter

Amateur Radio From Loudoun County VA

May 2003

The LARG Radio News - DE K4LRG

The Loudoun Amateur Radio Group, P.O. Box 1004, Purcellville, VA 20134

President Larry McCaig KC1YC (703) 443-2397
Vice-Pres. Dale Harrison K3CN (703) 777-6685
Secretary Carol Boehler KF4TJJ (703) 777-9427
Treasurer Gary Quinn NC4S (540) 882-3017
Editor John Unger W4AU (540) 338-4620
Training Bill McCourt WF1L (703) 467-9272

MEETING LOCATION: The May 17, 2003, LARG meeting will be at 8:30 in the Leesburg Holy Trinity Lutheran church at 605 West Market Street. The church is located at the intersection of Market Street and Catoctin Circle on the west side of town. It is just east of the bypass. From the Bypass, take the Leesburg exit at the west end of town and the church is on the right just past the stoplight. Please enter through the door on the east side of the building where you will see both steps and a ramp by the door.

May Club Meeting Plans - Our Field Day Chairman, Buddy, K4CBJ, will bring us up-to-date on the plans for this year's event. Tom, WB3AKD, will report on the upcoming balloon launch. This May 24 launch will be the most ambitious one to date for LARG. In addition to our normal telemetry, we will have continuous ATV broadcasting ground pictures and balloon locations from a camera and GPS in the instrument package on the balloon. Contact Tom if you want to be a part of this exciting project; we still need lots of help for launch, tracking, and mission control duties.

April Club Meeting Report - We heard a final recommendation from Dave, KG4KZZ, and the LARG Repeater Committee concerning putting a club 2-meter repeater on the air. The club voted to proceed with using Evan's, KQ4CI, repeater for LARG on-the-air meetings and other events once he has acquired a coordinated frequency pair for his repeater. Bill, WF1L, reported that the Technician training sessions are going along well.

Field Day 2003 - Buddy, K4CJB, reports that plans are proceeding at a good pace for 2003 FD to be held at Gary's, NC4S, QTH, Catoctin Hollow Farm. To refresh your memories, we will be setting up a 5A station with five HF stations and one VHF/UHF station.

Virginia QSO Party - Be sure to make plans to attend the Manasses Hamfest on June 1. The winners of the various categories for the 2003 Virginia QSO Party will be announced, and we will find out if LARG was able to regain its first place standing in the club category. The awards ceremony usually takes place about noon and is announced over the PA system.

Club News - We are pleased that vagabond LARG member Temp, W4HZV, is back in Loudoun for a few weeks as he travels around the countryside

Calendar of Events:

Every Third Saturday 8:30 a.m. Club Meeting - 17 May 2003
Leesburg Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
Weekday Mornings and Evenings Commuter Net, 147.480 MHz Simplex
Every Sunday 8:00 p.m. Club Radio Net, 145.310 MHz down 600 KHz
Every Tuesday 8:00 p.m. LARG Slow Speed CW Net - 28.150 MHz