Amateur Radio From Loudoun County VA May 2000The LARG Radio News - DE K4LRGThe Loudoun Amateur Radio Group, P.O. Box 1004, Purcellville, VA 20134 |
The next LARG Club meeting will be on May 20, 2000,
in the Conference-Training Room at the Leesburg Police Station on Plaza Street
at 8:30 a.m. The facility is located on Plaza Street between East Market
Street and Edwards Ferry Road. Talk-In is on 147.480MHz. You can join other
LARG members for breakfast (~7:30) before the meeting at the Bob Evans Restaurant
located Leesburg Corner Shopping Center.
April Meeting News - The club received a briefing by the coordinator for the Antique Car Poker Run, which will take place on June 3. We discussed logistics and how our communications facilities could best help the event to run smoothly. After the meeting we disbursed to check see if 2-meter mobile communications could provide adequate coverage of the route; it looks like we will be able to work with all the suggested mobile locations. The large turnout at this meeting constituted a quorum, and the proposed by-law change to include "youth/student" members for a nominal $1.00 per year dues was unanimously passed. Dennis, KF4TJI, reported that he had hand-delivered the logs and summary sheets for all the LARG members who had participated in the Virginia QSO Party this year. May LARG Meeting Plans - Gary, NC4S, will discuss this year's Field Day organization (see Club News, below for more Field Day information). Tom, WB3AKD, will present a progress report from the balloon committee. Paul, N4PD, will finalize plans for providing communications for the Antique Car Poker Run event. Club News - The big news is that LARG now has an excellent Field Day site for this year. We have gotten permission to use the property recently acquired by Hamilton's Rescue Squad and Volunteer Fire Department for their new Safety Center. The ten-acre site is located on Business Rt. 7 at the east end of Hamilton. With the aid of a few judiciously placed masts and towers, it looks like we will be able to set up our traditional 3A category station (three HF rigs) plus a VHF/UHF station. Check with our FD Chairman, Gary, NC4S, if you plan to furnish equipment or take part in Field Day this year. Don't forget the Manasses Hamfest on June 4; awards from this year's VA QSO Party will be handed out. Many LARG members have upgraded to new license classes over the past few months. We would like to recognize these hams, but it has been difficult for your editor to keep up with all the changes. So if you have recently upgraded, please contact John, W4AU, at 338-4620 or at [email protected]. While we're on the subject of your editor and the newsletter, we would like some help in for form of short write-up of events or topics that you would like to see in the LARG Newsletter. We really could use some help here, guys, so please jump in an email us some interesting stuff for the newsletter; we have plenty of room to expand! You can send contributions via email (preferred) or just write it out by hand and send it in, thanks. |
Calendar of Events: