Amateur Radio From Loudoun County VA March 1998The LARG Radio News - DE K4LRGThe Loudoun Amateur Radio Group, P.O. Box 1004, Purcellville, VA 20134 |
February Club Meeting Report - John Kanode,
N4MM, brought LARG members up to date on the latest issues facing Amateur
Radio in the U.S. As usual Johns talk was informative and generated
some good questions and lively discussions. Dennis, KF4TJI, showed
us some final designs for our K4LRG club QSL; he has done a fine job with
the cards design and will be printing these cards in color for the
club. Thank you, Dennis!
We began the process of organizing for this years Field Day. John, W4AU, will be the Field Day chairman this year, and will be ably aided by Norm, AI2C, Charlie, K4LJH, Temp, W4HZV, and Tom WB3AKD. March Club Meeting Notes - We will be making the final plans for the Clubs entry into the VA QSO party (see Events, below). Also, Temp, W4HZV, will give a demonstration of HF packet using the latest digital communications technology and WB3AKDs mobile antenna system. Well try and keep the meeting short so that everyone will have time to get ready for the QSO Party. Remember, even a handful of QSOs will count towards the clubs total score, so get on the air! Club News - Congratulations to Tom, WB3AKD, for his fine showing in the ARRL Spring VHF/UHF Sprint; he finished in third place in Virginia. It looks as if LARG may have a contingent going to the Timonium hamfest on the weekend of March 28 and 29; check into the clubs 10-meter net on Sunday or come to the meeting. When we last heard the NC4S lamb count was up to 17! Notice that the Contacts listing at the top of the Newsletter now includes the Newsletters editor. Not only do you know to whom to complain, but also where you can send news and other items to be published. If you have any news or other items that you would like in the Newsletter, please get them to me at least two weeks prior to our regular meeting date. Events Every club member can play an important role in achieving our club's goals in the Virginia QSO Party. Although the frequency 147.480 MHz is listed as one of the suggested QSO Party frequencies, our club will also use it to 1) make member to member QSOs, 2) make member to non-member QSOs and 3) to announce and coordinate schedules and QSOs on other bands and modes. So stay tuned to our club 2-Meter frequency and contact as many members as possible on as many bands and modes. Several times an hour, members should call CQ the VA QSO Party on 147.480 MHz and 'ALSO' announce the HF frequency they are also operating and listening on. Also do this when you change to a new HF band. The Party has two operating periods: 1) from 1800Z (21 March) to 0500Z (22 March), that is 1 PM to Midnight EST on Saturday, 21 March, and 2) 1100Z (22 March) to 0200Z (23 March) that is 6 AM to 9 PM EST on Sunday, 22 March. It should to possible for club members to exchange serial numbers on 80 through 10 Meters on SSB and CW as well as on 2 Meters FM. That is 11 QSOs per member. And if you have 160 Meter capabilities, that is two more QSOs. Gary, NC4S, is organizing this event for the club. Complete rules were published in last months newsletter. Contact Gary, Norm, AI2C, or John, W4AU if you lost your copy. Included, free of charge, with this newsletter is a complete list of Virginia counties and their abbreviations for CW along with a log sheet that can be used for the QSO Party. Also, Gary will have copies of logging and dupe sheets to hand out at the club meeting. For Sale / Wanted This is a new section of the Newsletter. The ground rules are simple: the ads are only for members of LARG; dont list something for a friend; and no commercial advertising. If an ad is too long, it may (will) be edited by the editor (after all, what is an editor for ). Wanted: 2-meter all-mode rig. Contact Tom, KF4FXT, (703)729-8799. |
Calendar of Events: