The Loudoun Amateur Radio Group, P.O. Box 1004, Purcellville, VA 20134

President John Unger, W4AU (540) 338-4620
Vice-Pres. Gary Quinn, NC4S (540) 882-3017
Secretary Don Nicolson, KC1AT (540) 883-4718
Treasurer Dale Cabaniss, KD4LSL (540) 338-3521

Regular Meetings held the Third Saturday of each month, 8:30 AM at the El Rancho Plus Family Restaurant, located at 101C S. Maple Avenue in Purcellville VA. Talk-in on 147.480 simplex.


A special thanks to John, W3GOI, for sharing his copy of the video of the DXpedition to Peter I Island. This Island located off of the coast or Antprctica' created'an incredible challenge to those brave enough to travel to the remotest region of the world for the purpose of establishing a temporary Amateur radio station. Thousands of contacts were made from the group despite extreme cold and blinding snow. Only penguins and a few seals dared to inhabit this island until the international crew arrived to set up their station. Thanks again John for sharing this very entertaining video with the group.

Preparation for field day is well under way. We have prepared lists of equipment and materials required and have had a good response. Final arrangements will be made at our next meeting to ensure that all requirements have been addressed.

Plans for our Next Meeting:

FIELD DAY FINAL PREPARATIONS. This meeting will be the last meeting before field day. Several final details need to be addressed before the event. Our location for the Event will be Ida Lee Park in Leesburg Virginia. This is the third year at this location for our group. The site suits our needs very well and the Leesburg parks and recreation department has been very helpful in arranging use of the facility. We will be setting up our site on the grounds adjacent to the administration building. The farmhouse lawn and tractor shed which is located on a knoll overlooking the Ida Lee recreation center provide an excellent location from which to communicate. John and Terrie directors of the Ida Lee facility have been extremely helpful in accommodating our group and we wish to thank them and their staff in making our field day possible. Please stop by and see us if you can!

Bernie, KA4RGN, has been busy building a power distribution center for our generator. He has built a ground fault protected system which will be placed at the site and-will feed the individual stations. This will provide additional safety for the operators and improved po'we'r distribution. Thanks Bernie for your time and expertise with this project.

We want to remind everyone that all are welcome to participate in our field day. Club members, Friends, Both Licensed and Non-Licensed are encourage# to attend. Collectively our club has many years of Amateur radio experience in which to share with the community. This event is a perfect opportunity for those unfamiliar with RF communications to witness how radio communications would be established in an emergency situation. Field day is also a contest in which to make many contacts throughout North America. Since will be operating with the callsign of a club member who is an Extra Class licensee who will be on site, any individual will be able to operate with all the privileges extended to his license. If you know of anyone who may be interested, please extend an invitation to attend on behalf of our Club on June 22 and 23rd. We will be starting at 10:00 AM Saturday and run continuously until 4:00 PM Sunday.

Calendar of Events:
Every Sunday 8:00 PM Club Radio Net, 28.360 MHZ USB
Every Third Saturday 8:30 AM Club Meeting, Purcellville, VA
Weekday Mornings and Evenings Commuter Net, 147.48 MHZ Simplex
June 22-23, 1996 Field Day, Ida Lee Park, Leesburg VA
Sept. 8, 1996 Loudoun Hospital IOK Run, 9:00-11:00 AM