Amateur Radio From Loudoun County VA January 2001The LARG Radio News - DE K4LRGThe Loudoun Amateur Radio Group, P.O. Box 1004, Purcellville, VA 20134 |
NOTE - NEW MEETING LOCATION: The January 20, 2001, LARG meeting will be at 8:30 in the Fellowship Room (basement) of the Bethany United Methodist Church in Purcellville. The church is located just south of Main Street at the blinking yellow traffic light, east of Fran's Restaurant, between South 20th Street and Nursery Ave. Parking is available in the municipal lot just west of Fran's. December Club Meeting - About 25 LARGer's enjoyed the 3rd Annual LARG Holiday Dinner at Johnson's House of Beef the evening of December 7. The food and companionship both were excellent and everyone enjoyed themselves immensely. Thanks go to Carol, KF4TJJ, for organizing this event. The highlight of the evening was Tom Dawson, WB3AKD, receiving the Ham of the Year Award. This honor is well deserved as Tom has done a lot for and with the club over the years, including, but not limited to, heading up our successful Balloon Committee and keeping that effort going.
January Meeting
Notes - The major activity for this first meeting of the new millennium
will be election of officers for the year 2001. Our nominating committee
has come up with the following slate: President - Denny, KF4TJI;
Vice-President - Mark, N3GMW; Secretary - Carol, KF4TJJ; Treasurer - Tom,
NA4MA. We will have ballots at the club meeting and, as always, write-in
candidates will be acceptable for all the offices. Committees - We thought
that it might be useful for everyone to see a listing of the LARG standing
committees currently active. Contact the chairman if your interested in learning
more about a specific committee.
Contest Season - LARG had an excellent turnout for the ARRL 10-meter contest this year. N3GMW, NC4S, N4PD, W4POF, KG4CGR, W4AU, N4OHE, WB3AKD, and NA4MA will all be turning in logs for LARG in the small club category for this contest. Club News -Charlie, K4LJH, is at home recovering from major surgery that he had in mid-December. The operation was a complete success and Charlie is gaining strength rapidly. Look for him on 2 meters on the morning and afternoon commuter nets. LARG again provided communications for Leesburg First Night on New Years Eve. Paul, N4PD, coordinated the club's activities with the organizing committee. He was joined by Tom, WB3AKD, who ably handled the net control duties, Mark, N3GMW, Pam, N4OPN, Tom, NA4MA, Angi, KG4AVR, John, W4AU, Nancy, KE4RTP, Norm, AI2C, Bill, WB4ACC, Mary, KF4UUY, and Bob, KF4VBM. Dues - It is that time of year again; your modest membership fees for 2001 are due! We still only charge $12.00 per year (that's only $1.00 per month, or about $0.03 per day...) for membership in the finest amateur radio club in western Loudoun County. The fee for additional family members is $1.00 per year per person. Checks should be made out to Loudoun Amateur Radio Group. You can bring this form to the January meeting or mail it to our Treasurer: Tom Garasic, 2911 Rodgers Terrace, Haymarket, VA 20169. This form not only helps you to get your dues paid, but it also will let us update our membership data base so that we can provide you with a new membership list early in 2001. Our big expense is mailing out this newsletter and we need the $'s to keep it going! Note: Your call sign, first and last name, city, and state will be posted on the publicly available LARG web site. The other information will be available to club members only and will be posted on the password protected members only LARG web page. Call Sign ___________________ (if you have one) First Name __________________ Last Name ________________________ Phone # ________________________ (please include area code) Mailing Address _________________________________________________ City ____________________ State _____ ZIP _______ (5 digits only) email address ______________________________________________ email address ______________________________________________ Type of membership (please circle): Regular Family Student I would like my LARG newsletter sent via (please circle): USPS email website Are you a member of the LARG reflector? ___ Are you a member of ARRL? ___ Are you a member of ARES/RACES? ___ License class (please circle): None Technician Tech Plus General Advanced Extra What year did you first join LARG?________ What year were you first licensed? ________ What was your first call? ___________________
Thanks for taking the time to fill out yet another form! If any of this information changes, please send me the new information so I can keep the LARG member list current. |
Calendar of Events: