Amateur Radio From Loudoun County VA January 1998The LARG Radio News - DE K4LRGThe Loudoun Amateur Radio Group, P.O. Box 1004, Purcellville, VA 20134 |
NOTE: Next Meeting, January 17, 1998, 8:30 at the El Rancho Plus Notes for the January Club Meeting: The clubs Nominating Committee, Charlie, K4LJH, and Ray, K4AJA, have put together a fine slate of officers for 1998. Their nominations are: Gary, NC4S, for President; Norm, AI2C, for Vice-President; Nancy, KE4RTP, for Secretary, and Dale, KD4LSL, for Treasurer. We will hold election of officers at the January meeting, and, of course, consider other nominations from the floor We will discuss looking into incorporating LARG; Ray, K4AJA, has had some experience in this procedure and has volunteered lead the effort to complete this process Also, our QSL card committee - Gary, NC4S, Tom WB9RXJ, and Paul, N4PD - has come up with some designs for a K4LRG QSL card and will present at the January meeting John, W4AU, has gotten a video from ICOM describing the features of their latest rig, the IC-756, which covers 160 to 6 Meters at 100 watts! We will view this video after the business meeting. Gary, NC4S, has volunteered to organize a LARG effort in the Virginia QSO Party this year. This event is the weekend of March 21 and 22, and we need as many club members as possible to participate. Gary will be explain the contest rules and getting information to everyone interested in helping the club to move up to the top of club scores for 1998. We finished in third place last year, and from looking at the other scores LARG stands an excellent chance at second place and even first, if we get a good turnout. Club News Paul, N4PD, reports that two more graduates of our novice/tech course have passed their FCC exams, bringing the total to six new Technician class hams in western Loudoun. The latest two are Shirley Bee, KF4VBZ, and Bob Oliphant, KF4VBM; we welcome the both of you to the world of Amateur Radio!! As the 10-meter band warms up, we are seeing more activity and may have to move our Sunday evening net higher in the band. Speaking of 10-meters, LARG had a good turnout for the annual ARRL 10-meter contest in December. Norm, AI2C, John, W4AU, Gary, NC4S, Paul, N4PD, and Ray, K4AJA all participated and will be part of our clubs entry. Its nice to hear Bob, W4POF back on the air with good-sounding rig and a new antenna; maybe hes inspired now that his XYL has a ham ticket!! And, speaking even more about 10-meters, Norm, AI2C, has kindly designed some tables to help you track your progress during the year-long 1998 LARG 10-Meter DX Trophy Count competition. These table are included with this copy of the newsletter, and we think that all club members will find them useful, whether they intend to be part of this competition or not. Dues, Dues, Dues Remember, if you havent paid up yet, your annual dues of $12.00 for 1998 are payable at the January club meeting, or you can mail your dues using the self-addressed envelope that was included with last months newsletter. Events LARG had an excellent turnout for Leesburgs First Night celebration again this year. Our club provided communications for the events organizers and managers, and we were able to help with some crucial problems during the evening as they arose. Net control duties at K4LRG located in the Leesburg Town Hall were ably handled by Ray, K4AJA. The rest of the crew included the organizer, Paul, N4PD, Tom, KF4FXT, Dale, KD4LSL, Norm, AI2C, John, W4AU, Tom WB9RXJ, Nancy, KE4RTP, Mary, KF4UUY, and Bob, KF4VBM. All of us enjoyed being able to see the various shows that are part of the First Night celebrations, the good food provided to all the volunteers, and the great ham fellowship. Join us next year! . . . . . _ . _ _ . . _ _ . _ . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _ . _ _ . . _ . _ . !!! |
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