Amateur Radio From Loudoun County VA August 2001The LARG Radio News - DE K4LRGThe Loudoun Amateur Radio Group, P.O. Box 1004, Purcellville, VA 20134 |
The next LARG Club meeting will be on August 18, 2001, in the Conference-Training Room at the Leesburg Police Station on Plaza Street at 8:30 a.m. The facility is located on Plaza Street between East Market Street and Edwards Ferry Road. Talk-In is on 147.480 MHz. You can join other LARG members for breakfast (~7:30) before the meeting at the International House of Pancakes located in the Shopping Center with Walmart, just off of Rt. 15, north of Leesburg. July Club Meeting Notes - Successful flight of Sky-Eye I!!! August Club Meeting Plans - We will discuss the Sky-Eye I balloon launch and recovery operations. Photos from the balloon camera will be available for examination. Mark, N3GMW, will talk about our participation in the Red Cross / Reston Bike Club Century ride. Events - We have lots of activities going on in the next month or so: August 16 - Planning meeting for our fall Technician license course. Under the direction of Bill, K8SYH, LARG's fall Technician course will start Thursday, 20 September, at Balch Library in Leesburg. The class will run through 13 Dec (it may not go that long as we can schedule longer meetings at Balch). Any and all who are interested in serving as instructors for this class are invited to a planning meeting at the Purcellville Library, Thursday, 16 Aug, at 6 P.M. The club has always supported a good training program and this is an excellent opportunity for those who have not taught before to get their feet wet. Bill will generate the flyers shortly and those who might be able to put them up at rec centers, libraries, and other high visibility spots should contact him. August 26 - Red Cross / Reston Bike Club Century Ride; LARG is providing communications for this event, which will run all day. We plan to have at least two operators at five locations for a morning and afternoon shift, as well as some rovers in vehicles. Check the LARG website or call Mark, N3GMW, if you can help out at this event. We still need people! September 9 - Norm, AI2C, will put on an amateur radio demonstration at the "Flying Circus" near Warrenton as part of a Boy Scout event taking place there. Contact Norm if you can help out. September 15 - LARG plans to have a tethered balloon (~500') launch after the regular club meeting. We are attempting to launch a video camera with a UHF telemetry link. Contact Bob, W4POF, if you are interested in being involved with this activity. Club News - The Berryville Hamfest had great weather and saw a record number of LARG members in attendance. Many of us came home with new "treasures" or with just some needed bits and pieces. It was great to visit with everyone. |
Calendar of Events: