Amateur Radio From Loudoun County VA April 2002The LARG Radio News - DE K4LRGThe Loudoun Amateur Radio Group, P.O. Box 1004, Purcellville, VA 20134 |
The April 20, 2002, LARG meeting will be at 8:30 in the Leesburg Holy Trinity Lutheran Church at 605 West Market Street. The church is located at the intersection of Market Street and Catoctin Circle on the west side of town. It is just east of the bypass. From the Bypass, take the Leesburg exit at the west end of town and the church is on the right just past the stoplight. Please enter through the door on the east side of the building. There are both steps and a ramp by the door. You can join other LARG members for breakfast (~7:30) before the meeting at the International House of Pancakes located in the Shopping Center with Walmart, just off of Rt. 15, north of Leesburg. March Club Meeting News - Most of the activities at this meeting were focussed on the VA QSO Party which began a few hours after adjournment. John, W4AU, encouraged everyone to try and beat their best scores from previous editions of the VAQP, and final questions and logistics for mobile entries were discussed. April Club Meeting Plans - We will have a very busy time at this meeting. First, John Kanode, N4MM, will lead a discussion about the future of amateur radio as seen from his perspective of having been in the ARRL leadership for over 20 years. Also, John is one of the top DXer's in the country and will be able to fill us all in on all the juicy DX that will be on the bands in the next few months. He might even be willing to let us in on some of his "secrets". After the meeting we will have a foxhunt training exercise to help us hone our skills for balloon recovery, so be sure to bring your RDF equipment. Balloon Committee - Tom, WB3AKD, reports that our next balloon launch is scheduled for July 20. We simply had too many logistical problems with the April 20 launch date. Tom is looking for someone to take the lead for the launch team on that date. The instrument package for this launch will include two still cameras: one looking down and the other towards the horizon - should make for cool pictures! Contest News - We are still in the midst of tallying up the scores for LARG in this year's VA QSO Party. We had a terrific turnout by the club this year; we will be turning in 27 logs from 25 club members; a new record for participation! Our total score is still a bit uncertain pending the submission of some last-minute logs, but it looks like we will be in the neighborhood of 830,000 points. Congratulation to everyone on a job well done. Next, don't forget to make plans for the Manasses Hamfest on June 2, where the awards for the VA QSO Party will be given out. For Sale Stuff - Temp Titus, W4HZV, writes, "As most of you know we have sold our house, so have lots of 'stuff' to get rid of. Although some is gone, we have a lot left such as lawn and hand tools (power and hand), operating tables and desks, metal shelves, work and assembly benches, plus much more. Give me a call at 703-777-2876 and stop by 216 Mason Lane, Leesburg." |
Calendar of Events:
Every Third Saturday 8:30 a.m. | Next Club Meeting - April 20, 2002 QTH: Leesburg Holy Trinity Lutheran Church 7:30 AM Breakfast At The I-Hop Next To Wal-Mart |
Weekday Mornings and Evenings | Commuter Net, 147.480 MHz Simplex |
Every Sunday 8:00 p.m. | Club Radio Net, 147.480 MHz simplex |
Every Tuesday 8:00 p.m. | LARG Slow Speed CW Net - 28.050 MHz |