Amateur Radio From Loudoun County VA April 2000The LARG Radio News - DE K4LRGThe Loudoun Amateur Radio Group, P.O. Box 1004, Purcellville, VA 20134 |
The next LARG Club meeting will be on April 15, 2000,
at the Douglass Community Center, 407 East Market Street, Leesburg
(This is just east of Johnson's House of Beef, which is located at the corner
of Market Street and Catoctin Circle.) Talk-In is on 147.480 MHz. You can
join other LARG members for breakfast (~7:30) before the meeting at the Bob
Evans Restaurant located Leesburg Corner Shopping Center.
March Meeting News - Dennis, KF4TJI, gave us a preview of what the new LARG website would look like when our webmasters got finished making all their improvements. (NOTE: These changes havebeen made so be sure to visit and see how great ourclub's site looks.) John, W4AU, tried to get everyone motivated forthe VA QSO Party, which started a few hours after the meeting adjourned. April LARG Meeting Plans - The Program will include, among other interesting items, a discussion and preparation for the June Antique Car Poker Run. Poker Run communications tests willfollow the meeting. So bring all your Mobile HF and VHF Gear. The coordinator for Poker Run and sponsor of this month's meeting site is Paul, N4PD. (Note: Douglass Community Center allows food and beverages on site, so you can bring along that cup of coffee or donut.) Please look over the proposed changes to the LARG By-Laws drafted by Norm, AI2C, on the back of this page. We will discuss them at the April LARG meeting. Club News - LARG again had a tremendous turnout for the Virginia QSO Party. We have received logs from 24 members who were active during the QSO Party. We have not yet met to tally up the scores, but a rough count shows that we have exceeded last year's score by a significant amount. Great job, gals and guys!!! We're sure that there will be lots of stories to tell at the next club meeting. The HF bands have been HOT! Not only is propagation excellent with the high solar flux near this 11-yearsolar maximum, but the last few weeks have given hams the rare opportunity to work two new DXCC "countries": East Timor, 4W prefix, has been on the air with many opportunities to work a "new one", and TX0DX was on the air from the Chesterfield Islands (New Caledonia), another new country for the DX-hounds. New format: The format of the LARG Newsletter has changed somewhat in order to make it easier to convert the word processor file to html so that it could be put onthe K4LRG website. Norm, AI2C, has drafted the following Proposed Amendment Of TheBy-Laws To The Constitution Of The Loudoun Amateur Radio Group: The Loudoun Amateur Radio Group in recognition of: 1. The educational and community service goals of the Loudoun Amateur Radio Group, and 2. The value of introducing amateur radio to youths and students, and 3. The potential growth to the amateur radio fraternity and to the Loudoun Amateur Radio Group, Do hereby propose to amend the By-Laws to the Constitution toprovide for a Youth-Student Membership with minimum fee requirements. (These changes would be incorporated into paragraph 2. Membership and paragraph 4 Dues of the By-Laws to theConstitution.) These Are The Proposed By-Laws Changes - shown between ---> <---: Membership. Full membership is open to licensed amateurs. Associate membership is open to those actively engaged in a class leading to an Amateur Radio license and all other interested persons. ---> Youth-Student Membership is open to anyone attending school on a full time basis. A licensed amateur Youth-Student member may elect to make application for Full membership. <--- Full membership includes all club privileges as well as rights to hold a club officeand to vote for club officers. Associate ---> and Youth-Studentmemberships <--- includes all club privileges except for the right to hold office and vote for club officers. Applications for membership shall be submitted at regular meetings. Dues. A regular monthly assessment of $1 per ---> Full and Associate <--- members ($12 per year), and $1 per year for all additional club members from the same immediate family. ---> An annual assessment of $1.00 per Youth-Student member is hereby assessed. These assessmentsare <--- in accordance with the provisions of Article V of the Constitution for the purpose of providing funds for expenses.
Calendar of Events: