LARG Monthly Meeting
August 21, 1999

The August 21st meeting of the L.A.R.G. was held at The Leesburg Police Station on Plaza St., Leesburg at 8:30 A.M. The meeting was called to order by Norm Styer, AI2C, president, at 8:40 A.M. There were 19 members in attendance.

The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and a welcome to all newcomers.

The secretary's report was read and accepted.

Dale Cabaniss, treasurer, gave the treasurer's report and it was accepted as read. The treasury balance is $ 591.10.

YLRL Convention

Nancy, KE4RTP, gave a presentation about the YLRL Convention she attended in August on the Queen Mary in Longbeach, California. She shared pictures and stories of her trip. The YLRL Convention is held every 3 years. The next one is scheduled for 2002 in Cleveland, Ohio.


Training Committee

Norm apologized to Bill Buckholz for leaving him off the instructor list which now stands at five. But more instructors are still needed. The books have been ordered and the next class will be held at the Leesburg Police Station starting on Sept. 23rd. So far there are 5 students enrolled. Student books have been ordered.

Balloon Committee

Tom Dawson, WB3AKD, chairman of the balloon Committee, said the next launch is scheduled for October 2nd and there will be a fox hunt in preparation for this after the next meeting. There will be a balloon committee meeting on Aug. 25th.

Funding is the major concern right now. Tom said that the last launch cost $120, this one is expected run about $150.00. Tom said that he hoped that the spring launch will be a particulate launch and that the one after that could carry a still camera


WEB Activities

Pete, KF4HCW, explained the proposal he had made on the web: that LARG have its own web site with their own domain name and e-mail services. He said that it would cost $35 a year to keep the domain and $70 to get in to Network Solutions. The club roster could be on line for 2 years and surveys, perhaps a training site could be there too. But Pete said his main goal in proposing this site is to establish a real presence for ham radio. A motion was made to appropriate no more than $100 to establish on Pete's website. The motion was passed. A committee comprised of Pete, Paulson, Jacob, and Dennis was established to oversee the new web site.

Contest Committee

Gary, NC4S, announced that LARG came in 3rd place in the 10M contest in 1998.

Balloon Committee

A motion was made and passed that $150 be allocated for the next balloon launch and a balloon account which individuals could contribute to independently was established. Three-hundred dollars was allocated for balloon operations in the year 2000 by a 9 to 8 vote of the club members.

The business meeting was adjourned and members shared how they got started on CW.

The September meeting of LARG will be held at the Leesburg Police Station on Plaza Street, Leesburg, on Saturday, September 18th at 8:30 A.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Dluehosh, KE4RTP, Secretary

September 18, 1999