LARG Monthly Meeting
April 17, 1999

The April 17th meeting of the L.A.R.G. was held at Thompson Lodge, home of the Free Masons, in Purcellville. The meeting was called to order by Norm Styer, AI2C, president.

Paul Bock, K4MSG, hosted the meeting and gave a brief history of the Free Masons before the meeting began.

A treasurer's report was given by Dale Cabanniss, treasurer, who reported that after contest expenses of $102.42, there was a balance of $829.58 in the club treasury.

The secretary's report was read and accepted.


Training Committee

Paul, N4PD, said that it was too late to have a spring training course, but asked what members thought about having 2 classes this fall: a Novice course and a General course. He also said that if there were 2 courses that people would have to be willing to be instructors. Norm, AI2C, Dennis, KF4TJI, Jim Banks, W0MAZ, and Tom Carney, WB9RXJ, offered to be on a committee to help Paul. Norm suggested that we support the club members who need to advance to Novice and General by doing something at the monthly meetings. Several suggestions were offered and it was decided that some sort of code practice would begin at the May meeting.

Contest Committee

John, W4AU, said that the scores for the Virginia QSO Contest were in, tallied and delivered. Last year, LARG came in second place by 10, 000 points. There were 22 logs and 276, 000 points and this year, there were 31 logs and 456, 720 points. The winner will be announced at the Manassas Ham Fest at noon on June 6th.

A new club contest will be announced shortly. It will be short- half a year long. More details to follow.

Balloon Committee

Tom Dawson, WB3AKD, head of the Balloon Committee, reported that the payload for the up-coming balloon launch on April 24th, is not ready yet, but hopes it will be by Saturday, April 24, date of the launch. The launch is scheduled to take place at the Rocky Gap Lodge in Cumberland, Maryland.

Field Day Committee

Gary, NC4S, said that a meeting of the Field Day Committee would be held on Thursday at 7:00 P.M., April 22nd, to decide on a site for the Field Day.

FAR Club

Ray, K4AJA, said he is still interested in FAR, but would like to have another month to decide if the club wants to join.

Constitution Committee

Norm, AI2C, said that he had just gotten a club constitution, and that he would copy it and give it to Paul, N4PD, Constitution Chairman, so that he could copy it and give it to members.


Tom Dawson asked to be reimbursed for expenses associated with the balloon launch: $70 for the helium, $50 for reimbursing Paulson for his basic stamp computer, should we lose the payload, and $20 as a reward for anyone not in the club for finding the payload.


The May meeting will be held either at the Leesburg Police Station, or at a County Parks and Rec center.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:03 and everyone enjoyed coffee and doughnuts.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Dluehosh, KE4RTP, Secretary