LARG Monthly Meeting
March 20, 1999

The March 20th meeting of the L.A.R.G. was called to order by Norm Styer, president.

A treasurer's report was given by Dale Cabanniss, treasurer, who reported that there was a balance of $836.00 in the club treasury.

The secretary's report was read, amended, and accepted.


Training Committee

Paul, N4PD, said there was no activity to report.

Contest Committee

John, W4AU, mentioned up-coming contests.

Balloon Committee

Tom Dawson, WB3AKD, head of the Balloon Committee, reported that plans for the scheduled April 24th balloon launch are underway. The next meeting of this committee is being held March 24th at 6:00 PM at the Purcellville Library.

Field Day Committee

Gary, NC4S, said there was no activity to report at this time.

WEB Committee

Norm said there was little activity to report at this time, but that a roster was being passed around for members to check the status of their dues and personal information. Pete, KF4HCW, said that he is changing the WEB address and plans to have events and programs with pictures on the site.


The club is still looking for a permanent meeting place. After some discussion, on whether to have a meeting and breakfast, a meeting with just coffee and bagels, or a meeting with no breakfast, the majority of members favored having just a meeting with no breakfast.



There was a discussion on the pros and cons of joining FAR. A committee comprised of John, W4AU, Temp, W4HZV, and Ray, K4AJA, was formed to look into the advisability of joining FAR.


Norm asked for a committee to investigate the club constitution. Paul, N4PD, Bob Bee, W4POF, and Gary, NC4S, offered to be on this committee.


LARG 10 Meter Contest trophies were awarded to Gary, NC4S, Norm, AI2C, John, W4AU, and Paul, N4PD.


W4AU reminded everyone about the Virginia QSO Party and said that the club goal is to increase last year's score by 10%.

Next month's meeting will include more balloon launch discussion and a mini ham fest.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Dluehosh, KE4RTP, Secretary