LARG Monthly Meeting
February 13, 1999

The February 13th Meeting of the L.A.R.G. was called to order by Norm Styer, president.

A treasurer's report was given by Dale Cabanniss, treasurer, who reported that there was a balance of $800.00 in the club treasury.

No secretary's report was read.


Training Committee

Paul, N4PD, said there was no activity to report.

Norm, AI2C, mentioned that a woman who is homeschooling some children, is teaching them Morse code. He invited the woman to join the L.A.R.G. reflector.

Balloon Committee

Tom Dawson, WB3AKD, head of the Balloon Committee, mentioned that a QST article gave him some pertinent information regarding balloon launches. He said that if we keep the payload under 4 lb. the FAA does not have to be notified. He also mentioned that he found good information on web sites. Regarding our own launch, Tom said we have to address the issue of where we can launch our balloon. Cumberland, Maryland is a possible site. Tom also said we need a small ID keyer and an Echo phone. He asked if anyone had either of these things. Tom is hoping to launch the balloon in April. A committee to set up parameters and decide on a launch site, etc. is being formed. Anyone interested in being on this committee is invited to a kick-off meeting in the Purcellville Library on Wednesday, Feb. 24th at 6:00 P.M.

Field Day Committee

Gary, NC4S, said there are several field day sites being considered. Glayden Park is one site under consideration. Gary will be meeting with the head of the Loudoun County Parks and Recreation to discuss other possible sites.

WEB Committee

Norm mentioned that the former holder of K4LRG has joined the L.A.R.G. reflector.


Club Meetings will be back to the 3rd Saturday of the month. All calendar activity will be posted on the WEB site.


Paul, N4PD, circulated an article on the late King Hussein, JY1, who just passed away.


Norm said he is updating the member list of those who belong to ARRL. Gary Quinn suggested that the newsletter and reflector ask for those who are members of ARRL. Possibly we could go on the WEB site to find members.


There was no new business.

Ray, K4AJA, moved to adjourn the meeting. Tom Carney seconded the motion.


John Kanode, ARRL Roanoke Division Director, then addressed the club on the 2 biggest concerns now facing the ARRL membership: restructuring and enforcement.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Dluehosh, KE4RTP, Secretary