The January 15th meeting of the L.A.R.G. was held at The Leesburg Police
Station on Plaza St., Leesburg at 8:30 A.M. The meeting was called to order
by Norm Styer, AI2C, president. There were 24 members in attendance.
The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and a welcome
to all newcomers. The treasurer's report was given and accepted. There
is a balance of $484.65 in the treasury. The Secretary's Report was read
and accepted.
Balloon Committee
Norm, AI2C, said the next launch is scheduled for April 15, 2000. There
will be a balloon committee meeting at 6:00 P.M. on January 26, 2000 at
the Purcellville Library.
Constitution Committee
The club voted unanimously to accept two changes to the club constitution.
By-Law 3
Meetings Regular meetings shall be held each month unless changed by
the general membership. Special meetings may be called by the president
upon the written request of any five club members. Notices shall be sent
to members concerning special meetings and the business to be transacted.
Only such business as designated shall be transacted. Such notices shall
be sent so that they arrive not less than 24 hours before the meeting.
By-Law 4
Dues A regular monthly assessment of a $1 per member ($12 per year)
and $1 per year for all additional club members from the same immediate
family, is hereby assessed in accordance with the provisions of Article
V of the constitution for the purpose of providing funds for expenses.
Contest Committee
John, W4AU, said that he will be giving a presentation on how maximize
scores in contests at the February meeting. John also gave out the contest
rules for the club contest that Gary, NC4S, proposed. The contest starts
today. John will be announcing when the designated operator will be operating
in the monthly newsletter.
Meeting Place for February
Ray, K4AJA, announced that February's meeting would be held at the Masonic
Lodge on Main Street in Purcellville.
ARRL License Plates
Mark, N3GMW, passed out information about ARRL license plates. Three-hundred-fifty
people need to sign up for these plates in order for them to be made. The
charge will be $20.
Tiger Cub Amateur Radio Demonstration
LARG will put on an amateur radio demonstration in February for Tiger
Cubs in Hamilton sponsored by Dale Cabaniss, KD4LSL.
Antique Car Poker Run
Paul, N4PD, said he had been asked by Don Stinette of the Douglass Community
Center, if LARG would provide communications for The Antique Car Poker
Run to be held in June. In appreciation for our help, the Douglass Community
Center would put LARG's logo on tee shirts and in flyers advertising this
event. They would also set up a table for the club during the event. Several
club members expressed an interest in doing this.
Jack Spinks
Charlie, K4LJH, circulated a get-well card for Jack Spinks, a former
club member, who has prostate cancer.
Election of Officers
The club elected a new slate of officers for the coming year: Ray, K4AJA,
President, Dennis, KF4TJI, Vice-Presidnet, Carol, KF4TJJ, Secretary, and
Tom, NA4MA, Treasurer.
Club Program
Frank Mackey, K4EC, the Virginia Section Emergency Coordinator for the
Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) Officer, spoke to the club on, "Emergency
Communication in Virginia As It Relates to Amateur Radio". Mr. Mackey showed
a video and spoke about the amateur radio support during Hurricane Floyd
in southern Virginia.
Attenuator Project
After the meeting, those who purchased attenuator kits will go to the
home of Dennis, KF4TJI, and Carol, KF4TJJ, to start building the attenuators.
The next meeting of the LARG will be held on Saturday, February 19,
2000 at the Masonic temple in Purcellville.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Dluehosh, KE4RTP, Secretary
February 19, 2000